It’s the last day of 2015, and as I tell my students in classes, sometimes when something comes to an end, it’s a good time to sit and reflect and write about things you’ve learned from it—or how you have grown from it. In this final post of 2015, I thought I’d touch upon some things that we all know are true, but we sometimes forget to initiate or appreciate. Therefore, what follows is my reflection on 2015, on lessons that were reinforced for me, and that no matter how old you get, there is power that comes from living and learning.
- Don’t be afraid to try something new; we all grow from new experiences and trying new paths.
- Age is just a number. You can still be fabulous even as the number of your age changes.
- Family is the most important thing in the world. Treasure the moments, both the big ones and small ones, and create lasting memories that you can cherish for years to come.
- Never lose your passion. Always strive to do things for yourself that make you happy.
- Be a good friend. Even when life gets busy, make some time in your life for friends.
- There is power in words. Use your words to write a good story or read one. We all grow by reading (and some of us by writing, too!).
- Do what you can to make the world a better place, whether it is a small thing or a big thing, each matters.
- Let go of things that do not work for you. It’s okay. Not everything (or everyone) is meant to be part of your life forever.
- When offering criticism, always be kind.
- There is never a traffic jam on the extra mile.
Thank you all for your continued support of Steph’s Scribe, and I hope the path you choose in 2016 makes you abundantly happy.