The word travel brings a sensation of joy, fun, adventure and a lot more in our minds. After working for heavy schedules we often plan for a tour according to our moods to get a break in this busy life.
These tours can be really made more interesting and enjoyable if some important things are kept in mind and seriously followed. Here are some special travel tips especially for couples.

- Before selecting a place for the tour make a quick browse about the place on the net such as its climatic conditions at that time (since the climatic conditions might not be suitable for the couples due to some medical issues) , kind food available there( as choice of food is the major problem faced by many tourists).
- After having a look at the climatic conditions check out the languages spoken at that place and any one person from the couples can learn some basic words which might be used frequently such as THANK YOU, WHICH HOTEL,SORRY ,YES , NO and EMERGENCY SRVICES ETC.
- Couples should always try to make their luggage’s as light as possible rather than fighting later for who is going to drag the luggage J.Lessening their luggage would also save them from throwing their belongings at the airport to match the luggage with the permitted weight.
- Couples suffering from any medical disease should remember to carry their medicines along with them as to manage at the time of emergency. There might be medical stores available at place where you visit but emergency ever informs before coming so carrying the medicines along is the best option.
- Couples should always carry a proof of identity along with them so as sometimes permission in various is granted after providing a proof of identity. The proof of identity should clearly mention the persons name, age, country, address and a clear photograph.
- To capture the memories one should always remember to carry a good camera with the batteries charged at the fullest so that one may have to not think which photograph to click and which to leave.
- As couples have a better understanding of their partners so each should try to surprise their partners by planning tours according to the wishes of their partners and taking care of their needs.
- If the couples have some relatives residing at the place which they have planned to visit the then couples should surely take some gifts for their relatives.
- Couples before leaving the home should make some proper arrangements for the security measurements such as properly locking the house before leaving, switching off the electronic items in the home and informing the watchmen to have a look at the house.
- Last but not the least tick check all the adventures, items, hotels address, etc. planned in your journey list.
Taking care of all these important points would surely make you tour more enjoyable, adventurous and the most perfect one.
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