Family Magazine

10 Go-to Gift Ideas That Will WIN Every Time!

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

Have you ever been in the situation of receiving a last minute invitation to a celebration-do and thought ….. “Oh, crap! What am I going to get him/her?” Sounds familiar, right?


Have you ever had to select a gift for someone you don’t know all that well and thought ….. “Oh, crap! What am I going to get him/her?” Yep, same deal, isn’t it? Awkward with a big, chunky capital A!

Well just below are some suggestions to ensure Oh, crap! and Awkward are no more! Trust me!

Here are 10 ‘generic’ gift ideas that will save your bacon every time (and much better than the ‘ol-scratch-lotto-ticket-in-a-card  or box of Roses standby too!)

  1. 2 movie passes – who doesn’t like a free trip to the movies? This one’s a winner because the recipient can either treat a friend for company or go themselves to see 2 films!
  2. a carwash package – either with a mobile car detailing/cleaning service or at one of those shopping centre places if you know where they may like to shop. Either way EVERYONE loves a freshly cleaned car and it’s soooo much better when someone else does it for you!
  3. a stack of assorted magazines, bundled and tied with a cute ribbon. For women you might consider: home and family, cooking, craft, fashion, interior design etc and for men, how about: cars, men’s health, sports, outdoor activities and computers ….
  4. a wind chime – simple, non gender specific and very few people object to the gentle tinkle-tinkle-tinkle of a wind chime
  5. a fancy glass jar full to the brim of sweets – tie a ribbon and giftcard to finish it off nicely
  6. as an alternative to the above, a pretty container or jar filled with home baked treats (think jam drops, coconut ice, fudge, rocky road, slice etc) is always a well received gift
  7. a potted plant – ensure the pot is funky and that the plant is nice and healthy … and easy to care for. Again, this gift is simple, thoughtful and suitable for a woman or a man.
  8. if you know that the person is a tea and/or coffee lover, then a swish new cup or mug and a special blend of tea or coffee, to accompany, is likely to be appreciated and also put to good use
  9. a photo frame is always a winner – suitable for either gender (of course depending on the frame) but it is something that nearly everyone could put to use
  10. with many people owning some type of iProduct these days, an iTunes voucher can always be relied upon as a safe go-to gift. It’s always great to have iTunes credit and allows people to choose their own apps, games, music, shows or books. Perfect!

Do you have a great little present idea that you can rely on in ‘emergency’ gift-giving situations? Do share, it would be great to add to the list!


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