Business Magazine

1 in 3 Homes Have Radon Levels That Can Cause Cancer... Hennepin County Offers Discounted Test Kits for $9

By Homesmsp @HomesMSP

RadonRadon gas leads to 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the US and because of our geology Minnesota is one of the leading states for radon concentration. In fact, more than 40% of homes that conducted a home radon test in the past 13 years showed unsafe levels of the radon gas, according to a Star Tribune analysis of state records.

What is so difficult about radon is that is both tasteless and odorless... the only way to find it is by testing. Many people are shocked to learn it is the second leading cause of lung cancer!

The Environmental Proptection Agency says elevated radon levels are likely to be found in one every three Hennepin County homes, regardless of age. It also is property specific... in neighboring houses one may have normal levels and the house next door can have elevated levels.

Protect your health with a radon test... don't be surprised like this Lakeville man who was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and had never smoked in his life. When they tested their home, they found levels about three times above the federal safety level.

Test kits are available at home improvement stores... and if you are a Hennepin County resident you can get a discount test kit from them for only $9.00 for one, or two for $17.00.

Sharlene Hensrud, RE/MAX

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