Here are some notes from the phone today:
· Therapy for self-regulation. DBT https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectical_behavior_therapy· Look at the books on self-regulation and DID – figure out a time/space for how to add this to the schedule· Doing this work/research has re-activated some thoughts about a potential career path in psychology· Look up “context” as a concept Have a good rest of the trip. -Dr. M
Yeeks, that all seems hard to me. I’m thinking that these notes are for someone else in the system who can think more clearly. I didn’t remember the parts about self-regulation, but anyone in the system knows that it’s one of our key phrases. It goes back 12 years ago, when we first heard the concept, but didn’t do much with it … It had been too hard. I guess, Dr. Marvin and some of us think that it is time to consider it again. I guess I can do the hard part and see if we have any books on our shelves.Hmm, that was dusty! We found five books. Three of them were on “self-regulation,” and two of them were on “self-determination.” I don’t really know much difference between one and the other right now. There might be some books on our kindle too. We better look there as well. Hmm, devise on the phone wasn’t working fully – it only showed me about twenty books. We have a LOT more! We’ll recharge the phone and look at the Kindle later. Nope … well, we DID look on the Kindle when we unhooked it to plug in the phone, and we went all the way to the bottom and no more books. So, let’s look at these five.First book is “Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory, and Applications” Edited by Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs (2004). The next book is “Self-Regulated Learning: From Teaching to Self-Reflective Practice.” Edited by Dale H. Schunk and Barry J. Zimmerman (1998). I just know Zimmerman’s name is big in the field. This is the smallest book at 244 pages. The first book is 574 pages – so more than twice the size and the second book looks more like teaching then the first book, which looked like strong research. The THIRD book, is a BUFFALO! It is 763 pages and its name is also, “Handbook of Self-Regulation,”but it is edited by Monique Boekaerts, Paul R. Pintrich and Moshe Zeidner (2000). It is a LARGE 23 Chapters that sound very tough. Pswhoo! We did some more moving around to get the steps we needed to make 250 for the hour. Good girls! We’re doing it! This time, we went out in the sunroom and we cleared-up some garbage that was on the table, or under it. We have a stack of fishing stuff ready to go out, and we have the garbage part – like who is EVER going to put back-on the hinges that we took off when remodeling the kitchen? GARBAGE! Rich doesn’t like to throw, but we do. I asked him to budget in time for the two smalls, but heaviest weighing boxes on the treadmill. We’re serious about using it AFTER Rich takes care of the electrician. They’ve been messing up times for the guy to come in and analyze the problem. Basically, we don’t have much electricity on that side of the sunroom through most the garage although the garage door is opening. So there is that.It will take a force of steel to move those two garbage containers AND the fishing stuff, but we are going for gold. We want to make the room look good again as a room, and not as storage with a creepy look. We might have to keep the few things on the horizontal file out there, but we’ll see. Maybe they could be tucked under the open part. I know people from the outside can’t see it, but it’s a terrible view when coming from that side of the house through the door. I’ve wanted to clean it up for a LONG time, and it seem today is the day! Yay! MAYBE … we’ll even get the vacuum out there, hmm? We’ll see.Back to the self-regulations books. Oh, one more thing … laundry and dishes are still going, and it is now 10:08AM. That’s all. Shoot, bathroom. BRB again!Shoot! That reminds us that we haven’t taken our shower and gotten dressed yet, otherwise, WE might be able to move the fishy stuff and garbage. There’s a thought. Not something we want to do, but doable. Right now, though it is snack time, and we REALLY want the blueberry yogurt! Girls? Are we really concentrating?OK. We just skimmed a few seconds. We read the foreword. It wasn’t too long or difficult. The authors then go on to write a 12-page introduction. It includes general theories and models of self-regulation, and then Zimmerman writes about attaining it as a social cognitive perspective. That’s all Zimmerman writes in this book, but it is substantial that he is the first psychologist asked to write a chapter. Yay Zimmerman! This is as far as we got with the book. This the LARGEST of the three on self-regulation is just two years newer than Zimmerman’s book including learning and teaching. And, then the third book – the moderate size book at 570 plus pages was written four years later. That must have been the current stuff and falls in line with our knowledge that our interest was motivated in 2005-2007. Then, we wonder what is big out now?Hmm, first stuff is a lot on early child education. Holy cow! In 2016 Baumeister and Vohs (middle book) came out with the same book, but third edition. AND the KINDLE copy is $65. EVEN the used books are that expensive and for $4 more you can get the hardcover. Looking over things now … Oh yes, we’re back from another round or two with the sunroom AND we are now dressed too. We got Rich to take out the two lighter loads, but then we added a couple more loads, and we put his fishing things in front of the fridge out there. There’s no electricity so the fridge door is partially open – non-commissioned, but the point is now, he’s seen us and heard us that we want his fishing stuff out! It was only supposed to be there while he was working on that project. So, now it went from the table, to the file cabinet, to now on the floor in front of the fridge. I told him, when he took those last loads out, I would vacuum. He complained because he had stuff to do. So, do we. We’re working very hard to get at least 250 steps in per hour. I know that isn’t a paying job, but it helps move the day along productively. AND, the sunroom IS looking much better. We threw out the old torn plastic table cloth – VERY dusty, dirty, AND we put out one of our older table clothes that is brown and matches the some of the furniture. The Big couches are a nice deep mossy green. Yup-yup looking better. The carpet is red, but will look MUCH better, after we vacuum AND the garbage is out.Hmm, 11:22AM. 216 steps done, 34 steps remaining. Might as well get them done now by taking our medicine and having lunch. We’re on 9 pages 4045 words. Smiling at the writing Gods 😊Oh shoot … just saw on our list, we are supposed to stop now – well at least a half an hour from now. Maybe we’ll take our medicine, and then finish this last half hour, we want to include something on the other two books. AND THEN, we’ll have lunch 😊OK … moving on. The last two books are both on Self-determination. I know there is a difference between them, but we don’t yet know the difference. It seems like regulation is when you can do things as checked on the to-do box, and self-determination is perhaps, the will to carry through? That’s our first uneducated guess. Let’s name the books. The first is “Handbook of Self-Determination,” Edited by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan (2002). And, the second book is “Teaching self-determination to Students with Disabilities: Basic Skills for Successful Transition,” by Michael L. Wehmeyer, Martin Agran, and Carolyn Hughes (1998). It must have been a busy year back then. I think this group of five books was part of the stash we bought from my father’s inheritance. I think we spent about $2000 on all the books, we could fit in at that time. We started with a list at $4000, but paired down. Wehmeyer, was very big at the time and it appears that working in the field of disability aided the thought processes in studying the topics, though our real concern has always been “Multiplicity.” It appears that “self-regulation” is a section in the latter book with three chapters. While the second book IS trimmed to the kind of educational issues we are familiar with through our work, the first book on research seems steadily heaped in motivational theories. It looks like then our guesses are not too bad, though sorely uneducated. Just skimming the BIG book on self-regulation – looking for clues of self-determination. I found the chapter in the middle of the book, we’d like to start with – if we can get by on that kind of thing. Thinking What would Dr. Marvin say? Hmm, probably, he’d smile, and say, “Sure, why not?!” Hehe – he’s such a COOL guy!The chapter were most interested in – have only gotten to chapter 7 of 23 … is the one called “Organization and development of self-understanding and self-regulation: toward a general theory” by Andreas Demetriou. Also, we’d do the chapter immediately following, “The role of intention in self-regulation: toward intentional systemic mindfulness,” by Shauna L Shapiro and Gary E. Schwartz. Now skimming down more chapters of the big book. They have a chapter on health behavior Goal model – that be great – for sure though if its organizational or personal – rather have the personal. Next one is on maintenance of physical health – See where we are going with this – all to do with Quantified Self. It has a lot on learning – that be cool. Some on distress. I think that’s where Multiplicity comes in. The only thing on self-regulation I want to do in the teaching book right now is the one on writing and self-regulation. I think though its case studies on a strategy development model. That isn’t real interesting. We’ll skim that chapter first, and see what to do, but other than that – applied teaching isn’t where we’re at yet. Maybe later. That HAD been an original goal. I have one more book the second one that was in its first issue – and now has a 2016 third issue. After that, we will look to see if any other books look bigger than the third issue, and then we’ll be stuck just deciding if the book is worth buying for $65. Because of all the definitions, we are more interested in a Kindle copy. Plus, we want one book that isn’t a hard copy, so it’s easier to travel with it. Let me look closer at the chapters.OK, this seems like an interesting book. I’m thinking the chapter headings aren’t frightening me to pieces. I would really like to read both the old version and the new version side by side – Chapter to chapter. I know there are about 19 of the 28 or so chapters of the new book that are new, so, we’d want to group our reading between old and new by sections. Some seem the same and some are different. Something has come up in all the books that we’ve skimmed table of contents. And, that is there is a definite connection to attachment theory and object relations, which Dr. Marvin also indicated a strong interest for me in. When we were going through these last five books, we found three others in that regard. The three books start with … Ahh two books, they repeat. The first book is “Self and Others: Object Relations Theory in Practice,” by N. Gregory Hamilton, MD (1990), and “Creating the Capacity for Attachment: Treating Addictions and the Alienated Self,” by Karen B. Walant (1995). These two books are older, but have basic information. The older starts with the object, the self, the self-object and the ego.I was interested in the first book discussion on autism, borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. It was all listed under a section on object relations continuum. The rest was just general good stuff. Average book of about 330 pages. The second of these books doesn’t interest me so much. I’m sure there’s more to it, but the table of contents was short and vague. I have too much to read to search for information. Now the NEXT interesting part. I want to go back to Amazon. As far as attachment theory – maybe just that first section, and then the second section we mentioned, and then we’d move on. I’m not interested in all the tasks. Ahh, here’s something interesting. Under this section, of self-regulation, there is a book on “The dialectical behavior therapy skills” It’s a workbook. That is one of the key terms, Dr. Marvin wrote down for us. I don’t think we wanted to get into it deep, but did want to understand it. We don’t veer too much in other treatment modules other than Dr. Marvin. We picked-up a free book on “Self-control: Discover how to control your emotions, desires and behavior through self-control and self-regulation,” by Francine Edwards (2015). There are a lot of books on kids and especially in autism and ADHD.Ahh, this is a BIG BOOK BUT, WAY too expensive. It is “Handbook of Mindfulness and Self-Regulation,” by Brian D. Ostafin, Michael D. Robinson and Brian P. Meir Eds. (2015). Oh Lord. It cost $180 to buy and $96 to rent AND that’s only for 3 months. VERY sure not interested! WOW! This is an interesting chapter, “The “Why,” “What,” and “How” of Healthy Self-Regulation: Mindfulness and Well-Being from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective,” by Patricia P Schultz and Richard M. Ryan (2015). It looks like another favorite Dr. Marvin term – “Mindfulness.” Maybe that is a subject area we should consider too. One other aspect to recall later – is that several of these books have added something on food and eating disorders. There is another book for $63 on Mindfulness, Self-regulation and Yoga – but, not interested in Yoga yet either (2015) by Catherine P. Cook-Cottone PhD.WOW! There is a new book coming out that is STILL very expensive, but might be more interesting. It is called “Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance – Educational Psychology Handbook),” 2nd edition, by Dale H. Schunk and Jeffrey A. Greene (ed.) (2017). It doesn’t have a LOT of information, but it’s a major book. Paperback is only $100 and hard cover is $257 YEEKS – Nailing students! They haven’t offered digital yet and it can only be pre-ordered. Obviously, a lot on formal education. Can I underline here that we WERE a master’s student of Educational Psychology? There is no small wonder, these books are exciting us to pieces. We did really fall in line with adult teaching online. Don’t know how this would all work as to us learning something worthwhile.This is the current information:The second edition of the popularHandbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performanceresponds to and incorporates the wealth of new research that the first edition inspired on the subject. At the same time, it advances meaningful perspectives on the scholarship and history that originally shaped the field. Divided into five major sections―basic domains, context, technology, methodology and assessment, and individual and group differences―this thoroughly updated handbook addresses recent theoretical refinements and advances in instruction and intervention that have changed approaches to developing learners’ capabilities to self-regulate in educational settings. Chapters written by leading experts in the field include discussions of methodological advances and expansions into new technologies and the role of learner differences in such areas as contexts and cultures. As a comprehensive guide to a rapidly evolving and increasingly influential subject area, this volume represents contemporary and future thinking in self-regulation theory, research, and applications.Chapter Structure– To ensure uniformity and coherence across chapters, each chapter author addresses the theoretical ideas underlying their topic, research evidence bearing on these ideas, future research directions, and implications for educational practice.Global– A significant number of international contributors are included to reflect the increasingly international research on self-regulation.Readable– To make the book accessible to students, chapters have been carefully edited for clarity, conciseness, and organizational consistency.Expertise– All chapters are written by leading researchers who are highly regarded experts on their topics and are active contributors to the field.Hmm, the Great Courses put out a book called, “The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-being.” It’s a DVD for $59.95. Interesting, but too expensive for a version (DVD) I’m not interested in.AHA! We found a book on “Mindfulness – How to Find happiness in the present moment by changing your focus, thought, and awareness,” Morgan Johnson (2016). It’s only about 80 pages, but we purchased it for free … another book on unlimited e-books YAY! That will give us a sense without selling the house!We went ahead and ordered one of the books on “The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Anxiety: Breaking free from Worry, Panic, PTSD, and other Anxiety Symptoms,” Alexander L Chapman, Kim L. Gratz, Matthew T. Tull, and Terence Keane (2011). It was only $9.99 for a Kindle copy. I liked that it also got into PTSD – never read much on that, and also some obsessive/compulsive behaviors and social anxiety. As well, it touches on Mindfulness, distress tolerance skills, and emotional regulation. YUP-YUP AND STRESS/WORRY. I can’t say enough about that stuff. It’s a workbook, so it should be fun. Now, we should go back and look at the one book, one more time. It’s not the expensive one that isn’t out on Kindle yet – with emphasis on learning, THOUGH to be fair, “learning” is my favorite psychology word – so maybe down the line – like if we can read things seriously, maybe it could be for Christmas, hmm?2:49PM. OK, it’s been awhile. We’ve come back to focusing on these Amazon purchases. We haven’t purchased one of the major books, but we read through a bit on another new book called, “Self-Regulation and Ego Control,” by Edward R Hirt, Joshua John Clarkson, and Lile Jia Eds., (2016). I would like this book too, but later. I couldn’t find the new location for list to save for later. I think Amazon, is pressuring the only option is to buy. At $80 for an e-book (hardcover $64), I will wait a bit. This book is more on the negative side like when processes don’t work, or like coming up to the wall and what gets one over. It’s a GOOD book, just not the top priority for me. WOW! I did it … I bought the 3rdedition of “Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory, and Application” by Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs (2016). It’s a HUGE purchase for $65. I’m pretty sure that Rich is going to see this one. But Self-Regulation, Self-determination and learning are the most KEY components to my desired learning and understanding. I don’t know WHY we’re so attracted to these things. Just know that we are. I’m going to need coming up though with the next part of the picture. I must budget in time for reading. Not sure when yet, but we should be fresh enough that we can comprehend the tough sections – or the authors who insist on using every BIG word in their dictionary! CONCEPTS! There are just so many dang concepts. I believe in psychology, they are as important as the next decade with its fresh experiments and mindful developments. Just we must dig in somewhere. I was doubly impressed in that we have the first version hard cover, two important online chapters of the second version, and the entire third version on our Kindles (phone). THIS is where we must start!In other news? The laundry is buzzing again – the sheets and pillow cases are ready and the mattress cover will go to the dryer. LAST will be the quilt itself. I never did get to airing the pillows. I think we should ask Rich about that. I’m thinking about the back porch, just don’t know how to keep them from falling over, and I don’t want to rest them on the chipping paint/floor. I KNOW it’s against the rules specially to hang your “stuff” out front. The back we might get away with for a couple of hours. Maybe try that next. OH, and we’re done with the sunroom! It looks great! I’d like to put a few more things away – like bottles and cans INSIDE the fridge, instead of outside, but we must do for now what we can. We’ll risk Rich’s frustration and ask him again – he’ll be out of the house for another couple hour. We should ask where’s the electrician. They seem to be playing phone tag, and not meeting each other’s schedule. That would get stuff back in the small fridge, right? Rich stopped over to check on his mother, and he had a few items AND her grocery shopping list. Poor guy – there is always something! Oh, and we want to check the snail mail. WooHOO. Keep hoping for that driver’s license plate. All about our vanity!