Since test anxiety is big in our house this time of year, and the kids aren’t the only ones dreading the new standardized STAAR testing (replacing TAKS), I found this Statesman article by Nicole Villalpando very helpful on how best to prepare our little Texans:
“Keep kids calm and avoid the STAAR Stomach during test season”
TAKS has been a grind every year for teachers, parents, and kids alike, and STAAR is expected to be even tougher (namely because it’s timed), so we should all get our little ones to bed early and feed them well to ensure the best results.
Also helpful: the slideshow “11 Ways to Help Your Child Prepare for Tests.”

So I’m taking the advice above in readying my own kids for this grueling season –
Stay calm, prepare well, and do your best.
Good luck, everyone!
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