Ladies, how does this make you feel?
Just saw this poll on Yahoo!, and with a high number of votes taken into account, 41% of Americans taking it feel the public’s reaction to Rush Limbaugh’s calling an educated women’s advocate a “slut” and a “prostitute” , and at the least by the old term “round-heeled,” which is just an antiquated term for slutty, was overblown. ?
Who exactly is participating in this poll? I would love to see the demographic that participates in Yahoo!’s polls.
Aside from his own problems, which I could cite but refuse to, this blowhard sought to publicly defile a well-meaning and articulate young law student for speaking out for women’s rights, for female students to have access to safe birth control (basic healthcare, not just about contraception) and to obtain adequate coverage at Georgetown. What would he have called a male law student in the same situation? Probably nothing, but I still have to wonder.
It is disheartening to see that widespread misogyny and ignorance on this issue persists. And this in a world that my children inhabit, one of them a college-aged young woman. Scary!
By the way, here is Ms. Fluke’s eloquent rebuttal:
For the record, it is time for hypocritical and hate-spewing Rush Limbaugh to make a graceful exit — oops, too late, but it is still well past time for him to leave. He’s a dinosaur and a leader (among too many) of a scary American demographic.
Women deserve good healthcare just as men do. Women need to resist the intimidation and profane labeling by ignorant groups, such as those who follow Rush Limbaugh’s opinions, and refuse to be silenced. I’m proud of this young woman and all she’s doing to give her peers on her campus a voice. I think she’s now a voice for many across the nation because of all this hoopla, and that is the only good that comes out of Rush Limbaugh’s vitriol — his ignorance can bring sensationalism and attention that cause light to be shed on issues that are most misunderstood. Personally, I’m starting to wonder if his show is a satire of ultra right-wings, and if he is truly working for the liberal side.
And as an independent and a moderate, I think the advertisers should bail on Rush Limbaugh and leave his show high and dry. He needs to stop speaking and listen a while, maybe even return to school. The misogyny that persists on the airwaves must stop, and who better to set an example of waning public support than advertisers. The oafish dinosaurs should continue to be iced out.
If you want to support the advertisers’ boycott of Rush Limbaugh’s show, find them here.
Like Be the first one who likes this post!“UPDATE : Due to the recent deluge of complaints created by the slanderous comments directed at Sandra Fluke by Rush Limbaugh,Sleep Train, Sleep Number Bed, Citrix Systems, Inc., Quicken Loans, Carbonite, ProFlowers, and have just pulled their advertising with Rush. If you wish to thank them, please use this link to find their contact information.”