Attention, lovebugs, there’s only this weekend before Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, so it’s time to start and wrap up those projects with and for your little ones! If you draw a blank in crucial times as I often do, I’ll offer a few of my repins from my LegosnEggos’ DIY and Crafts board to get you started.
For each, just click on the picture to take you to the instructions:

Or a better visual step-by-step is shown here for that one:
This next one’s, eh, not so much for the little ones…:

Actually, I’m a bit of a stickler for grammar, so it’s actually “palms” (plural) above.

This one’s my favorite:

As romantic as some of us are feeling…

One of the cutest I’ve seen lately…:


If you’re just looking for a pleasing wrapping idea, try this:


For around the house before the kids get home…

I think kids love getting messy and being amazed, so this next — that I call Volcano of Love –
looks like a science experiment but would actually be a blast if you use red food coloring!:

And I saved the best for last, which is what my youngest son is doing for his Valentine’s cards –
a photograph of himself with either wearing an adhesive mustache (for boys to sport),
or handing out a Charm’s Blow Pop (for girls)

I hate that I must now stop this Valentine’s crafts post
because there are SO many ideas to show ‘em you love ‘em!
Those were a few shared ideas in case you’re like I am and procrastinated a bit.
Don’t fret. Remember that >>Pinterest<< is always there
with even more crafty creations if these don’t quite satisfy.

Love, LnE
posted on 26 December at 09:55
Interesting article !! thanks for posting.. For Valentine Gifts please visit