Healthy Living Magazine

What Happens to Your Body 24 Hours After Drinking Alcohol

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

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What happens to your body 24 hours after drinking alcohol

Have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you drink alcohol? It is well known, this drink affects the body, can cause serious problems and cause an addiction. Discover what alcohol does to your body.

The first 10 minutes
Alcohol quickly reaches the stomach and intestine to spread throughout the body. Through blood circulation, also the alcohol reaches the brain and muscles.

The body perceives alcohol as a threat and a poison about 10 minutes after drinking the first glass.

10 to 15 minutes
The body’s reaction to the poison does not expect. He begins by degrading alcohol harmless substances, or at least useful. The first substance that appears is alcohol dehydrogenase. This is an enzyme that your stomach produces to begin to remove the alcohol.

Then, the liver is responsible for the metabolism of alcohol, and the first substance resulting is acetaldehyde. This substance is highly toxic, can lead to addiction and is classified as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

20 minutes
Your brain begins to feel the effects of alcohol you drank. Stunning takes over.

Your psychological state can be the highest or the lowest. Some may feel happier, while others get depressed or sleepy because alcohol affects chemicals in the brain.

45 to 60 minutes
If you have consumed a fair amount of alcohol, you may affect your heart, it can even cause heart attacks.

Excessive alcohol consumption can also quickly increase the amount of fat deposited in the liver. If you continue to drink alcohol, fatty deposits can grow and interfere with the proper functioning of this body, causing diseases.

Alcohol leads to dehydration in the hours after its consumption. You’ll want to drink water and go to the toilet more often because your kidneys and your bladder will drain more fluid your body.

24 hours later
The next day, your body is always trying to get rid of the alcohol in the body. The latter suffers from dehydration, and symptoms occur: fatigue, thirst, pain, muscle cramps, loss of appetite, stomach aches, concentration reduction, hypersensitivity to sound, light, irritability …

In some cases, memory problems may also emerge. Indeed, excessive consumption of alcohol can cause brain function disorders because the information stored in the short-term memory are not transmitted to the long-term memory.

How does alcohol affect the body?
The heart
When you drink alcohol, blood circulation is accelerating. Therefore, the blood flows more rapidly through the vessels of the heart. These weaken and the size of the heart increases.

The brain
Alcohol consumption can slow communication between neurons and kill brain cells (loss of brain tissue) irreversibly. Alcohol can also affect mood, lead to depression, and impact memory and concentration.

When you drink alcohol, it passes through the stomach and headed immediately to the liver, which is responsible for ridding the blood of the alcohol consumed. This body works twice more than usual.

The liver is also the organ that suffers the most damage. In fact, alcohol can cause cirrhosis, a disease that damages it permanently.

Alcohol may disrupt the amount of electrolytes and water in the body, increase blood pressure and cause renal failure in term. In this case, must be used for transplantation or dialysis.

What happens to your body 24 hours after drinking alcohol

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