Family Magazine

Weekly Wrap-Up and a Winner’s Announcement!

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Happy Columbus Day!  Today I am off from work today and spending the day with my boys. As far back as I can remember, Columbus Day weekend has always been my favorite long weekend of the year.  I think it probably has to do with the fact that the weather is usually fantastic and growing up, we always had a Columbus Day Soccer tournament that lasted the whole weekend and I have such fond memories of those tournaments from growing up. I intend to fully enjoy today off with my boys since I will be starting my new job tomorrow! EEK!!

Anyways, let’s get to the weekly wrap up AND the winner of my Young Living Essential Oils Giveaway!

Week 10/6-10/12

Monday: I ran 5 miles on the treadmill at work in 44:20, I wanted to get outside but it was really dark and was in the high 30’s, so I decided to keep it inside.

Tuesday:  I ran 5 miles again. I want to start building my mileage back up again, nothing too crazy but more than what I have been doing.  I stayed indoors again on the treadmill and did 5 miles in 44:40.  My legs were a bit fatigued but overall it wasn’t too bad.  I finished with some foam rolling and stretching.

Wednesday:  I rode 18 miles in my morning spin class.  It felt REALLY hard.  Spin is never easy, but I think my legs were way more tired than usual since I ran back to back days and given my hiatus last week.  I was also drenched after class, but it was one of those hurts so good feelings after, so glad I was done and that I did it


Thursday:  I took a vinyasa yoga class and then taught Group Power in the evening. A pretty typical Thursday for me, except I literally felt like I was going to die during every class in Power.  It all felt so hard.  I never struggle when I teach like I did during this class. I think maybe my prior week was catching up to me and my body was just trying to acclimate again.

Friday: I was off from work and Ashton had a Dr’s appointment so it was a rest day for all intents and purposes. Since I am starting my new job tomorrow I wanted to get a few new pieces of clothing so I got a few good hours of clothes shopping in (trying on all those clothes has to burn calories right?)

Saturday:  It was a busy morning with Ashton’s soccer practice and errands.  It was also miserable outside, it was COLD, like so cold we started a fire and it rained all day so I wasn’t super motivated to do much, although I did pull it together and did PiYo’s define lower body workout during Ashton’s nap.

Sunday:  We had another busy day but the weather was great and we spent some good time playing outside.  During Ashton’s nap I did the PiYo strength intervals workout and after his nap we went on a hike for about an hour near our house.

Overall, a better week than last but I am still looking to improve this week.  It’s probably going to be tough since I am starting my new job, I have a full day meeting on Wednesday so I don’t know if I will be able to go to spin and in general, starting a new job can be time-consuming and stressful but I’ll make the best of it.

AND…now, onto the winner of the Young Living Panaway Rollerball!


Congrats!!  I will be sending you an email to get your details!

If you didn’t win the Panaway but would still love to give a Young Living’s essential oils a try, you will receive a $20 gift card when you order any of the premium starter kits by October 17. You can order your kit here. You can also email Kathy directly at [email protected] if you have more questions.


Question of the day

What are your plans for Columbus Day? Are you working or do you have it off? Any words of wisdom for my first day at my new job tomorrow?

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