Family Magazine

Weekly Wrap Up

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Good morning friends!  It’s kind of wet and gloomy here in Boston this morning, but that is totally okay.  After a gorgeous weekend of perfect weather, I am more than okay if it rains during the week if that means we can have weekends like we just did!  This weekend was full of family, friends, hiking, and lots of great food (including the most ridiculous birthday cake!) Last week was my last week with the T25 program,  I’ll do a full recap of the Beta Phase in the coming week so stay tuned!  But here’s what my week looked like!

Week 7/7-7/13

Monday:  It was REALLY hard coming off a super long weekend.  I felt really refreshed mentally, but had a hard time getting going until I stepped into the gym and queued up my T25 Beta Rip T Circuit video.   A few minutes into my workout, the switch flipped and I was super focused and felt like I got a REALLY great workout.  After T25  I wanted to get in some ab work so I tried a new Blogilates video, Extreme Abs, it was hard and it felt good.  I felt like Monday really set a good tone for the rest of the day!  I couldn’t get to my normal lunchtime yoga class because of a meeting, so I was glad I felt accomplished in the morning.  Ashton didn’t have daycare on Monday so my niece watched him at our house so after we got home and had dinner, we all went out for ice cream.  It was such a great treat during the week and of course, Ashton was in heaven!

ash ice cream mon night

Tuesday: Tuesday morning I started off with T25 Beta Core Cardio and then decided to do a short run.  I got in a relaxed 3 miles in 27:15, so a 9:03 pace run and my ankle felt really good, which was a great sign, so for all intents and purposes I think it’s better.

tuesday run

After my run, I wanted to get in some ab work but didn’t feel like a video so I put on some of my favorite tunes and had a plank a thon.

Wednesday: I had plans to take my normal Wednesday morning spin class but when I got to work and tried to get into our second tower, the doors were on lock down and the fire alarm was going off.  I went back to my office and called up to the gym and they said they were not evacuated so I thought it was just a drill.  I tried to walk outside and enter into the second tower from the ground level but there were 6 firetrucks and they weren’t letting anyone in.  A bunch of us early morning gym goers were waiting outside hoping this was just a drill and we could get back in quickly but after waiting 30 mins we realized that wasn’t happening. I was really irritated because I had a full day of back to back meetings which meant I wouldn’t get to work out.  Luckily at 11:30 a.m. I saw that my noon meeting was rescheduled so I had an hour free.  At noon I ran up to the gym, got in a quick 3 mile run with an average 8:17 pace, showered and was back in my office for my 1:00 p.m. meeting!

wed lunch run

Thursday: In the morning I did T25 Beta Dynamic Core followed by my usual vinyasa yoga class. The instructor was playing around with some different moves in this class, which kind of threw me off. I won’t say it was a bad class, I just like our usual style/format better.  It was good to learn some new moves, but I don’t feel I got as good of a workout.  Anyways, in the evening I taught Group Power and did some very basic core moves for about 5 minutes when I got home.

Friday: It was my last “official”  T25 Beta workout, I did the Rip T Circuit and Speed 2.0 and then had to rush to get to my yearly physical.  Always fun!

 I didn’t get anything else done because my Mom was in town, staying with us for the weekend, so the rest of the night was spent running errands, trying to get ready for the Birthday BBQ I was throwing for Robyn on Saturday afternoon!

Saturday: Today was a rest day and I spent the morning running around trying to get everything ready for Robyn’s birthday party in the afternoon.  I kept it small, only to about 15 close family and friends as Robyn really doesn’t like to celebrate his birthday.  Everything went really well and we had a lot of fun and ate some ridiculously good food, including the dark chocolate/PB cake I ordered for him from a delicious bakery in our area.

robyn bday cake

It was so rich and flavorful and super dense.  I think the cake itself weighed over 5 lbs, it was HEAVY, but the good thing is you could have a super small piece and feel satisfied!! I just wish we didn’t have 1/2 a cake still sitting in our fridge right now

 All in all, it was the best kind of rest day!

Sunday:  On Sunday I drove my Mom back home in the morning and was sad to say goodbye.  We all had such a good time with her, especially Ashton.  He just loves his “gramma.”  When I got home, we did our usual Sunday things like grocery shopping, etc and then in the afternoon we headed out to a local trial and went on a little over 2 mile hike with Ashton and some of our friends and then we all went out for ice cream.  Ashton must have been beat up from the weekend because he was so tired when we got home that he couldn’t even sit up to play with his truck!

ashton too tired to sit up and play

A hike and ice cream was the perfect way to end an already awesome weekend!

Overall, this week went pretty well.  I am happy and sad to say goodbye to T25, although I definitely will incorporate the videos into my normal routine, just not in such a structured way.  I did pretty well with my core workouts, but there is always room for improvement.  I have a few things I am going to tweak over the course of the next few weeks and start to increase my weekly mileage again, so I am interested to see if/what will change as a result.  More on that to come!  I hope you all had a great weekend and your Monday is off to a good start!


Question of the day

What did you do this weekend?

Anyone have suggestions for good core workout videos other than Blogilates?

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