Fitness Magazine

Weekend Snapshots {7/7/14}

By Healthlovechoc

Hey there, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend (and a long one at that if you are in the good ol US of A). I went to a big 4th of July party on Friday and had an absolute blast. There was beer involved and a getting thrown in the pool fully clothed incident, so how could I not have fun, right? I proceeded to take it easy for the rest of the weekend. Which for me means I hit the gym for leg day, worked on a research paper, and went on a 4 hour hike.

weekend snapshots

I am attempting make a bit more of a dent in the aforementioned paper, so I’ll let the pictures do most of the talking today. I also threw in a few shots from my birthday weekend as well, since I didn’t share any last week.


Patriotic chia pudding.


Drinking games. Who am I?


All the children had grown up cake for dessert. All the grown ups had ring pops. I had a strawberry pop.


Paper writing accompanied by a chai.


Leg day selfie. For the more attractive one go here.


RIP Nuttzo. Oats in a jar that lasted less than a week.


Sunday hike at Mt. Tam through Muir Woods.


Questing it up in the redwoods.


I figured I should also get a picture of myself, not just my snacks. The typical pose inside the redwood which I have done way too many times. Thank you, California childhood.


Can you spot the baby deer?


Lunch at The Plant Cafe. Smoothie and almond milk mocha to start.


Huge salad to finish. That’s a lie, chocolate after the salad to finish.


Gluten free birthday cupcakes.


The chocolate was the best hands down. We also got red velvet and blueberry.


My birthday dinner of choice. Typical.


Followed by Friache.


And Cream…because hey, it was my birthday.


They have gluten free cookies there, so an ice cream sandwich was in order. I mostly ate the cookies, but some ice cream somehow made it past my lips as well. My stomach sure loved me the next morning.

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