Fitness Magazine

Vacation Day to Write

By Xmarkm @matthews_mark
I took the day off work today. A vacation day. The plan is to write for four hours straight. I am sitting at a Paneras with an endless supply of coffee and frequent trips for bagels. I have taken days off work for 20 mile runs before, but never just to write. Of course, I fear I will blow it, so that is why I am here at Panera instead of at home, where the chores and duties of the house will call for me.I have my Dr. Dre Power Beat headphones on, listening to IN A GADDA DA VIDA on repeat to match the tone of my project. 4 hours of writing will be rewarded by an hour of running. My first run in a week.Blogging about writing isn't writing. I am blowing it already. Maybe I should have ran first. Maybe I should get a French Toast bagel. Better check my twitter feed. Pop over to Goodreads. Check my amazon rank. Oh, look, fresh muffin tops.4 hours is up.

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