Diet & Weight Magazine

The Keto Diet: “I Can Eat Just About Everything I Enjoy with a Few Substitutes”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Troy had promised himself to never reach the 300-pound (136 kg) mark, but when he stepped on the scale on Thanksgiving 2016, the number staring back at him was much higher than that.

Determined, he decided to do something about it and started researching. He soon found keto, and since then some pretty fantastic changes have occurred:

I was a 45-year old overweight average male. I didn't pay attention to my eating, not reading labels or paying attention to how much I snacked or even what I snacked on or even how much. It was not uncommon for me to finish a bag of Doritos in a mere sitting. I work a typical IT office job with little activity outside of the walks I would take with my team from time to time.

I always told myself that I was fine, but man, if I ever hit 300 lbs (136 kg) it was over. I will never get that heavy, I told myself. Well, in 2016, on Thanksgiving at my sister's as usual, I thought what the hell let's weigh myself and see how I am doing. And to my amazement I was over 300 lbs (136 kg), I topped out at 335 lbs (152 kg) and I told myself that is it. I can't do this anymore.

I have a grandson that I want to see grow up, and I have two kids of my own that are just into their 20's that I want to see grow up too. So I started my search and decided after Christmas that I would make 2017 my year to improve how I look at food and what I ate.

I found keto and started doing my research and found that I really enjoyed it. I can eat just about everything I enjoy with a few substitutes, and even better, I found that I had a ton of people I work with and knew that they eat the keto way and knew that having them help me along the way and be my support will help greatly along my journey.

I felt sick at first, foggy brain, etc. But after a week, I was more alert and sleeping better and was starting to feel a change in my life.

I felt all of the hardships of keto eating. I felt sick at first, foggy brain, etc. But after a week, I was more alert and sleeping better and was starting to feel a change in my life.

Now it has been just about 11 months since I started this journey and I am 75 lbs (34 kg) down and have about 20-30 more lbs (9-14 kg) I want to lose but I am happy and eating the right foods and being more aware of what I buy and consume. I still struggle from time to time, but I chock it up to being human and we need to let ourselves have fun once in a while but not lose focus of what the end goal is.

More details about who I am. I am currently 46 years old - 260 lbs (118 kg) 5'10" (178 cm) - work in the IT field living in Minnesota, USA. I am a father of two kids and one grandson.

I am attaching two photos of myself before and after. I don't have a current photo of me, the newest is the one I posted here that was from October. But it does show the changes.



Thank you for sharing your keto wisdom Troy, and best of luck on your continued journey!

Get started

Do you want to try what Troy has done? Sign up for our free 2-week keto low-carb challenge!

Alternatively, use our free keto low-carb guide, or for maximum simplicity try out our keto meal planner service with weekly delicious keto menus and shopping lists - it's free to use for a month.

The keto diet: “I can eat just about everything I enjoy with a few substitutes”


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Do you have a success story you want to share on this blog? Send it (photos appreciated) to [email protected], and please let me know if it's OK to publish your photo and name or if you'd rather remain anonymous.

It would also be greatly appreciated if you shared what you eat in a typical day, whether you fast etc.

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