Diet & Weight Magazine

Paleo Baby

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
Paleo Baby

Here's my 8 month-old daughter Alva, gnawing on a bone. Why am I showing you this? Let me tell you.

Today the Paleo f(x) conference starts in Austin, Texas and we're there to check it out. I'm a big fan of Paleo diets and evolutionary thinking in general. Even more so when it comes to healthy lifestyles, where having an evolutionary template is critical for making sense of all the conflicting messages.

For a growing child, an evolutionarily appropriate environment is probably more important than ever.

My daughter Alva is not starting her life eating pre-packaged powder-based fake food. She's eating real food, using all of her four teeth. She's not even fond of pureed food anymore. She likes boiled vegetables with melted butter. Scrambled eggs. And tiny pieces of meat. Basically she's starting to eat the same things as the rest of the family.

Both Alva and her 3.5-year-old big sister Klara are insanely healthy and happy kids. Perhaps we are just lucky. But then again, perhaps it's not just luck.


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