Diet & Weight Magazine

“Is It Safe to Eat a Strict Keto Or Low-carb Diet Indefinitely?”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
“Is it safe to eat a strict keto or low-carb diet indefinitely?”

Is it safe to eat a strict keto or low-carb diet indefinitely? Will you get nutrient deficiencies if you don't eat fruit? And what can I do about food cravings?

Get the answers in this week's Q&A with Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt:

Is it safe to eat a strict keto or low-carb diet indefinitely?

I would highly appreciate your comments on the strict LCHF diet. Can it be continued indefinitely without any significant bad effects? Some advocates of ketogenic diets advise it for a short period, maximum for 1 year.


Sure. As far as is known there are no long-term side effects of concern, and there are many people who do it not just for years but even for decades, as it makes them feel and perform their best.

Will you get nutrient deficiencies if you don't eat fruit?

What are the micronutrients (if any) that tend NOT to be found in vegetables or meat? Are there any that I should watch out for and ensure I get enough of?


Nope. You can easily get it all from veggies and meat.

What can I do about food cravings?

What can you do for food cravings when you are tired and are not able to sleep (i.e. during work) and for food cravings near a menstrual period that keep driving me to eat food I don't need?


Make sure you eat enough FAT, so that you don't get extra cravings because of hunger. Beyond that, distract yourself with something else for a minute and the craving usually goes away. Do not keep bad food around if at all possible.

Guide: The top 10 ways to eat more fat

Andreas Eenfeldt


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