Diet & Weight Magazine

Feeding Infants Gluten INCREASES the Risk of Gluten Intolerance

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
Future glutenintolerants?

On the road to gluten intolerance?

Do you have an infant and wonder about the official speculative and controversial advice to give gluten (wheat-based food) to infants early, under “protection of nursing”? Forget this piece of advice.

I’m sure it’s well-meaning advice (whether or not it has been influenced by formula-manufacturers) but new science shows with certainty that this is wrong. This past fall I wrote about two new high-quality studies that show that early gluten introduction on the contrary INCREASES the risk for early gluten intolerance.

The other day, yet another study came out that blew another hole in the official dietary guidelines. However, this is just a statistical observational study. Children in various countries don’t develop less gluten intolerance if they are introduced to gluten earlier.

On the contrary, Swedish children, who on average are given gluten earlier than children in other countries, are significantly MORE gluten intolerant compared to American children, who are given gluten later than all other. This new statistics further supports last fall’s high-quality studies.

Do you want to avoid that your child becomes gluten intolerant, or at least postpone potential future intolerance? The best science we have then points in this direction: The later you have gluten and the less you have, the better it is.

Time for an Update?

So when will the agencies that issue dietary guidelines update themselves and stop giving advice on early gluten-introduction? Who knows. Judging from their record on the issue of natural saturated fat they can be at least a decade behind the science.

Perhaps todays infants will see updated official advice when they have their own children?


New Solid Studies: The Advice on Gluten for Infants Needs to Be Changed!

Gluten Makes a Growing Number of Swedes Sick

New Study: Is Today’s Wheat Bad for You?

Previously on wheat

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