Diet & Weight Magazine

Favorite Things #4

By Hblack79

Good Morning!!!!  Can you believe it’s already Wednesday?  I’m pretty excited for the next few weeks, I have a lot of travel plans and I’m getting to spend time with a lot of the people I love!  First we have to get through the rest of this week though.  Tonight after work, I’ll be attending my second Pilates Reformer class and then meeting up with my co-coach for Girls on the Run to discuss our first couple of lessons.  I’m really excited to see how we hit it off and to plan out our first time with the girls.

Let’s jump right into some of my favorite things.  I must say that I’m impressed with myself for staying on top of this little endeavor for 2015.  Hopefully it’ll keep going throughout the end because I really do enjoy sharing what I’ve been loving over the past few weeks with y’all!

  • Captain Crunch a.k.a. “Cappie”


This little guy constantly makes me smile!! He’s so sincerely sweet, a ball full of joy, sometimes crazy wild & annoying with his desperate need for attention, and makes coming home a blast!  I love cuddling with him and in the mornings, all he wants to do is give little kisses all over you.  If the conversation wanders away from him as the main topic, not too long after, he’ll remind you that he’s there.  He doesn’t like sleeping on the bed with you, but once you wake up, he likes getting up on the bed to watch at your level.  He is just the sweetest little puppy dog and I may be biased, but he’s just as darn cute as can be!

  • New Hair Cut

I love a new hair cut, I always feel so light afterwards.  An old highschool friend’s sister cut my hair for the first time and she used a technique that I had never had done before.  I’m interested to see how it affects my styling.  I think this hair cut will be great for when I get ready to curl my hair over the summer because the humidity won’t allow me to straighten it.  She also mentioned that the guy who created this cutting technique is the guy who cut the cast of F.R.I.E.N.D.S hair!  I don’t have a picture of my new hair cut yet, but believe me, you’ll see it very soon!

  • The Library


Yesterday I rekindled my love for the library, y’all!!!  Our very first office book club is tomorrow night and I hadn’t read the book yet, but I was told it was at my local library.  The library right by my house is so quaint and I really fell in love after walking inside.  I discovered book on CD!  Why I never thought to get books on CD’s for road trips is beyond me!  I can assure you, I won’t make that mistake again.  They also had free WIFI.  I can’t wait to spend some quality time in there.  I thought it would also be a good place to blog when I need new scenery or a quiet location to focus on work.  Sometimes a coffee house is great, but I get so distracted people watching and hearing other conversations.

  • Valentine’s love


When I got home from work yesterday, I had this sweet little Valentine’s card waiting for me.  My sweet friend Patty and her husband Matt sent it to me.  They are some of the most thoughtful people I’ve ever met!  I love that Valentine’s day doesn’t have to be just about relationships, but it can be about friendships.  This is one of those friendships that I’m unbelievably blessed by!

There are a few things I look forward to trying over the next few weeks to see if they make the “Favorite Things” list!  I just ordered some new running shoes, hopefully they’ll get raving reviews!  I’ll be in Birmingham this weekend for Nick to run my Marathon, hopefully we’ll find some new restaurants and the marathon will be a blast!  Obviously I’m getting ahead of myself and trying to jump two weeks ahead with my next favorite things review haha.  I’ll stop there.

  • Do you have a sweet little pet that brings you joy when you come home each night?
  • Do you still go to the library?  Or are you like me and it’s been years since you’ve stepped foot in one?
  • What are some of your favorite things right now?

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