Diet & Weight Magazine

Can I Drink Any Alcohol as a Sugar Addict?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Can I drink any alcohol as a sugar addict?

How do I reach ketosis and stop binge eating? Is coffee okay to drink as a sugar addict? Is alcohol okay to drink as a sugar addict?

These and other questions are answered this week by our food-addiction expert, Bitten Jonsson, RN:

Why am I not reaching ketosis and how to stop binge-eating?


After three months on keto (I reach max 25 grams of net carbs a day, but mostly stay below 20) I get kicked off ketosis very easily and actually have gained 4 kilograms (I've checked - its all fat, not muscles). I literally hate myself right now and have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Carbs are as I mentioned, I've laid down my medicine that could trigger an insulin response, the only sweeteners I use are liquid stevia and sometimes erythritol (but in very small quantities as I have digestive issues).

Plus, I was hoping keto would help me with my binging but that's just not the case - during holidays I've just sat there and ate, even though I wasn't hungry anymore. I have no idea why I'm doing this to myself and really, really feel like I'm worthless since I can't stop myself from eating and reach ketosis.

I would be grateful for advice on what to do.


Agata, I hear a serious problem here. It sounds like you might have a loss of control once you start and that is an addiction. To be on-off diets like that is not going to work. It is like trying to hold a huge pilates ball under water, you will be very tired and it will fly up in your face. The first step in order to reach your goals, lose weight, be in ketosis and not binge is to learn about addiction. Fasting is not something I recommend for sugar addicts at all, it will lead to bingeing.

We addicts have a very sensitive brain, that's why we become addicts in the first place. You need to eat three meals a day and you can try to take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in warm water and 1 teaspoon L-glutamine, in regular water between meals and before breakfast and before bedtime. That will be four times a day. That is to be done for three weeks to stabilize your blood-sugar, minimize cravings and stick to a food plan. I advise you to not focus on weight during those weeks. Focus on learning about addiction by reading Dr. Vera Tarmans book Food Junkies (latest edition). Join our support group on Facebook to learn more on how to handle sugaraddiction. You are not worthless at all. You just need a different toolbox to deal with this. Be kind to your self and learn more about the biochemistry of addiction. To ask a specialist (certified sugar addiction professional) is something else you might consider. You find them here.

I hope you will find relief,

Is coffee okay to drink as a sugar addict?

I'm not generally a huge coffee drinker, but I do like to have a cup sometimes.


Hi Kyrie, we are all biochemically unique.

I think that is amazing actually. So coffee will affect some people in many negative ways, sleeplessness, high stress, palpitations and so on and of course, it is a matter of amount. Some people hardly react, apparently, their bodies have a capacity to break it down fast and easy. To know, you have to listen to your body and try.

Good luck,

Can I drink any alcohol as a sugar addict?

Can I drink any alchohol as a sugar addict? If so what kind is best?


Kyrie, I advice all my clients to have zero tolerance for alcohol.

Addiction is a reward deficiency illness, brain illness and experience and research show that sugar is a gateway drug. This means that the person being addicted have a high risk of developing an addiction to all other pshyco-active drugs for example alcohol. Today we talk about AID, Addiction Interaction Disorder and basically, that means one illness, many outlet's. So I say no.

Wish you great recovery,

How to break food addiction

Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this message. I have suffered from food addiction for years, binge eating, vomiting at least once a week. I'm around 14 lbs overweight and suffer from body dysmorphia, although never diagnosed. I'm 46, fairly fit, I cycle at least twice weekly. I really would appreciate some advice as to how to break this addiction and continue eating low carb?

Kindest regards, Tanya

Hello Tanya, thank you for sharing.

My experience is that LCHF/keto is the best food plan for us food addicts. But addiction is so much more than taking care of the food. I say that we should spend 10% on our recovery time on food. The more we obsess about food, body, and weight the less success we have. Obsessing is part of the illness. 40% of our recovery time should be spent on relapse prevention and 50% on group support. Addiction is a very tricky brain illness and recovery is not a walk in the park. First, read Dr. Vera Tarmans book Food Junkies to understand more about food addiction and the brain. Then join our support group on Facebook. There we share how to recover, what solutions and tools we need a long time. Another great book is Staying Sober by Terence Gorski, just switch the word alcohol for sugar/flour.

Welcome onboard,

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