Fitness Magazine

Bye Bye 2013

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Do you believe today is New Year's Eve?! Where on Earth did the past 365 days go????
There is so much to touch on in 2013 but first let's address my goals/resolutions for this year and see how I did! You can read that original post HERE. But in a nutshell, here is how I did.
Resolutions 2013:

Bye Bye 2013

Honolulu Marathon

  • Run Daily - CHECK! In fact yesterday marked my 2 year anniversary of my running streak and yes, I did my daily run today. Although right now I am still feeling gloomy about only running 1.09 miles as I opted to take a good chuck of time to do yoga for flexibility. I need it. I am tighter than tight and it is helping. It just doesn't leave me feeling as emotionally satisfied as a good run.
  • Be active at least 15 minutes a day - I really don't know. How is that for a report?! You see, I kinda forgot this was a goal and yes, on the vast majority of the days I did achieve it but I did have some just a mile days tossed into 2013. I am not 100% convinced I got the additional minutes of activity on all of them. Just being honest. But in all reality, I am not bummed. This was tied to my hope to achieve the next goal.
  • Run 2,013 miles in 2013 - Nope! But I am not complaining, I was feeling bad for a nanosecond when I opted to let go of this goal at the end of 2012. I saw where I was and where I needed to go to achieve it. I didn't want to up my miles that much between the Maui Marathon and Honolulu Marathon. I had a bigger goal and go figure, it wasn't a 2013 resolution. I wanted to break a 4:20 marathon and I did! And that makes me happy! And I did run 1,785 miles in 2013, up from 1,460 in 2012. Oh yes for continual improvement!
  • Be more aware of where my food is coming and aim to eat cleaner - Achieved! The freggie intake in my household has increased dramatically for all members and that makes me very happy! There is pretty close to no processed food in the house and all of our meals are prepared by my own two hands. No more frozen meals! Yippee! And go figure, I ended up going dairy free too! Life has some funny twists. And yes, there is still room for improvement here.

Highlights of 2013:

Bye Bye 2013

Mommy & Me Cohesions!

  • Running - Only listed first since this is a running blog. I ran four races and PR'd three times! Okay, one was my one and only 8K but that PR is worth mentioning because I ran my butt off at the local Beat the Heat Race in August. But let's step back a bit, I started the year PR'ing at the Valley to the Sea Half Marathon in March with coming off of a cranky IT band. Oh yes, and who can forget my new marathon PR of 4:10:18? Okay, I can't! Yes, I am still doing a happy dance. December 31, 2013 marks day 733 of my running streak and I am honored to be a registered streaker at the United States Running Streak Association. I wonder how proud my Mom is to hear I am a streaker. hehe
  • Family - My family is my core and darling daughter is in kindergarten! Woo-hoo! She is too smart for her own good and keeps me on my toes. But she is also my best supporter, my best cheerleader, and I am honored to hear she wants to run like Mommy one day. We even picked her up some "matching" Saucony Cohesions so she can keep a pair of running shoes under the treadmill like Mommy. She runs her third race on January 4th. She is "in training: but her training is a bit different than mine. She is so mellow with it. Dear hubby is running his heart out too and is about to tackle the Maui Oceanfront Marathon in January to redeem his Honolulu Marathon performance. Oh to have the problem that breaking a 4:00 marathon isn't good enough. And darling daughter and I are pulling him over to the glass is half full side one day at a time! But in some ways, he is far more optimistic and confident than I am. I miss my Dad tremendously but feel his presence deeply in my life. I will never stop missing him or shedding tears for him. I have come to terms with that. And my Mom, she is my champion as well and I teased she may not love hearing I am a streaker but in all reality, she gets my running and supports me 100%. Big hugs to them all this year! And to my sisters, aunts, uncles, etc, etc, etc.

    Bye Bye 2013

    Love you Dad!

  • Faith - My beliefs are becoming more integral in my life and I love it! I am getting better of letting go of my worries and placing them in higher hands as He does an amazing job of providing for me and my family. I thank God each and every day for my running feet and know that it is a gift to be cherished each and every day. I take nothing for granted. A year ago I may not have had the confidence to state this to the world. Now I know it is fine because I have that much gratitude to Him and His works. It is right to thank Him publicly.
  • Work - Since this takes a huge chunk of my time I feel it is worth mentioning. Work keeps me busy but I love my job! It is rewarding to work for a non-profit committed to protecting our oceans. The challenges may exist from time to time but I see them as growth experiences. A part of me is bummed I won't be racing the Run for the Whales this year, for the second year in a row, but I know it is a honor to be Race Co-Director and I am really focused on the runner experience. It is nice to be able to give back to the running community as part of my regular job, which is not focused on running the vast majority of the year. Trust me, I love being able to arrange race elements and door prizes that I would love to see, do, or receive. It is really, really cool! And I really hope the runners that race with us on February 1st see and feel the differences. 

What are my goals for 2014? Well, you have to wait and see! This post is long enough already. But come on, you  must comment, tell me something AWESOME from your 2013!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for a pair of new jeans that fit! Ladies, please tell me finding a new pair of jeans is the same struggle for you?
Daily Affirmation: I am a rock star and the best Mom ever! Darling daughter told me so; therefore, it must be true!

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