Fitness Magazine

Base Training: 3rd and Final Week

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Before I get to the post, I have to say thank you very much for all the kind comments on my Making Ripples post. I got chills reading your stories and feeling your support. Thank you for the depths of my heart.

Now onto running!!!!
I am beginning to value writing these weekly posts as much as running and logging my runs. Why? Because it gives me the time to reflect back on the week and by having the structured questions I answer, I think it keeps me focused and I hope through the process it will make me a stronger runner and perhaps identify issues/concerns before they become problems.
What did I run?
Since this represents the third and final week in my base training cycle let's take a visual look at all three weeks.
Base Training: 3rd and Final Week
Base Training: 3rd and Final Week
Base Training: 3rd and Final Week
As you can see, the goal of building up miles over the past three weeks was achieved. I know each week had a range of acceptable plan miles but in the back of my mind, I wanted to move from the low end to the upper end of the range. Therefore, in week 1 I kept my long run shorter and focused on not doing everything at the maximum. This gave me the room to build miles smartly.

Base Training: 3rd and Final Week

Sunday's Outside Run

This week was probably my toughest to keep myself in check since it was a very emotional week and running helps me move through them. It would have been way too easy to run way too much but I did keep myself in check. Even to the point of telling dear hubby I couldn't run too much beyond 6 miles on Sunday to avoid increasing my mileage too much. And yes, I ran outside Sunday and it was blissful! I did try my hardest to stick with my easy pace but failed. In fact, I seemed to pull off negative splits. But I felt good and strong and that is good. And by Sunday night, my legs felt tired.

Base Training: 3rd and Final Week

Sunday's Outside Run

How am I feeling?
Yes, my legs felt tired Sunday night but overall I am feeling pretty good! I did take advantage of a nice warm salty bath soak a couple of nights but some of that was for relaxing my mind, not for pampering my legs. I am happy where I am in miles per week and feel by working up the miles and not doing other quality runs besides my long runs that I allowed my body to adjust. Typically in the past after running three weeks of this mileage my body would be begging for recovery. It isn't. I feel strong and ready to enter my next cycle of training. And that is an awesome feeling! Although, part of me is going to miss the go easy all the time days of base training I know I can incorporate those upcoming tempo runs with a smile! Okay, maybe not a smile.
What did I learn?
Running smart is the best thing to do. I have always been a firm believer in running smart but I learned we all have more to learn. By becoming an RRCA certified running coach, I learned some valuable lessons. And yes, I will be offering virtual coaching and training plans. More information to come soon. Systematic training pays off!
How did I fuel?
I started removing my morning coffee at the end of the week and am going for the Vega Sport pre-workout drink. Why? Because as my wake up calls got earlier and my runs got longer, coffee in my stomach wasn't feeling good. I needed better fuel. Post run I am drinking the Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator and then a protein drink later in the morning. It seems to be doing a good job of keeping my morning hunger under control. Of course, I do eat a sensible breakfast as well...typically after my morning run. And on Saturday's run I tried a Vega Sport Endurance Gel (orange) during my run at about the 5 mile mark. The texture shocked me. The flavor was strong. I had to drink a few times to rinse it down. But it wasn't bad. It just wasn't the GU gels I am accustomed too and it is too early for me to say much more. I am still hydrating with diluted Gatorade for my longer runs. And even though Sunday's run was less than an hour, I carried very diluted Gatorade to fuel my run.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for rain.
Daily Affirmation: I grow stronger every day.

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