Deadly Disease Zika Patented By Rockefeller
File this under ‘shit you couldn’t make up…’
It’s true – the Zika Virus is owned by none other than the Rockefeller Foundation…
The Rockefellers are believed by many to be one of the not so hidden elite…
And part of the 13 most powerful families in the world…

rockefeller – not sinister at all
The Elite Global Families
Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)
These families are said to control the corporations – the politicians –
The oil – Big Pharma – the media and of course the banking system…
Some call them the Illuminati…
Maybe they are – but I prefer to call them the 1%…
Cui Bono – Who Gains..?
The Zika virus is all over the media (owned by them) at the moment…
The coverage is verging on hysteria – anyone remember swine flu..?
Sure I’m sorry – more than sorry – for those who have caught the disease…
But you have to ask yourselves once again – what’s it all about..?
And why Flip – would anyone deliberately unleash a devastating disease..?

blood suckers
It’s really quite simple…
If you own the disease – release it then step in with the vaccination…
Sell it for billions through your big pharmaceutical company – and bingo…
Profits soar – your shareholders are happy –
And the world breathes a sigh of relief…
As David Icke so aptly puts it:
Problem – Reaction – Solution
Problem: Zika Virus causes widespread deaths and deformities
Reaction: People asking what the Government is going to do about it
Solution: Martial law (see scenes in Brazil) and need for all to be vaccinated
And if you don’t believe these bastards would do such a thing –
Then wake up – or go back to watching sports and reading about celebrity gossip…
Yes I’m angry – furious in fact that these creeps think they can get away with it…
Where’s the Proof This is a Conspiracy
Oooo the dreaded conspiracy word….
Hey believe what you like – but I abhor coincidences in these situations…
Remember I’m not some tin foil hat wearing dude…
Through pure investigative journalism over a decade (which cost me my career) –
I proved the innocence of a man convicted of rape and murder – and helped in his release…
Much of the evidence I uncovered was classed as nothing more than ‘a coincidence’…
So I think I’m coming from a pretty strong position when it comes to so called ‘conspiracy theories…’
Buy the Zika Virus Online
For just 599 euros you can get the Zika Virus in your mail…
Think I’m kidding..?

buy zika virus online
As you can see under the Documentation page – it’s owned by – yeah you guessed it:
The Rockefeller Foundation…
They ‘sourced’ it from:
Blood from experimental forest sentinel rhesus monkey, Uganda, 1947
More things that make you go ummmm…?
Remember AIDS..?
Now wasn’t that linked to a monkey in Africa..?
HIV originated in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo around 1920 when HIV crossed species from chimpanzees to humans. – See more HERE
Gotta love the ‘characteristics’ of this disease:
Agglutinates goose and chicken RBC. Non-pathogenic for hamster, guinea pig or rabbit. Accidental infection has occurred in laboratory personnel
The lyophilized culture is stable at 4°C, and should be stored at -70°C or colder once rehydrated
Accidental infection of staff – whoops…
And how about this rather scientific emotionless summing up of its effects:
Paralysis and death
Nice to see it’s a few quid cheaper if you buy it for ‘none profit…’
Not many takers one might think…
GM Modified Mosquitoes
There’s another theory into this outbreak…
GM modified mozzies released in 2012 by British company Oxitec are the cause…
Now I’m no microbiologist – or come to that a stocks and shares kind of guy…
But a bit of snooping around the net shows Oxitec were bought last summer by big pharma giant Intrexon…
And well blow me down with a feather…
As soon as the worlds media buzzed about the Zika Virus –
Intrexon’s share price soared by as much as 24% when the news broke…
Wow now there’s a stroke of luck – for some…
Shares of Intrexon (NYSE:XON), a developer of gene-based therapies for a variety of diseases, surged as much as 24% during Thursday’s trading session as a direct result of the spreading Zika virus. Shares ultimately finished higher by 10%.
And from the same article is for me the clincher:
The reason the spread of Zika virus is notable for Intrexon is that it purchased Oxitec this past summer. Oxitec has numerous development programs targeting unmet global diseases, but one of those programs is targeting Zika. Considering that few other drug developers are researching a treatment for Zika, Intrexon could have a head start on a possible cure.
Now if I was to tell you the share holders of Intrexon includes companies such as – Vanguard Group – Black Rock – Morgan Stanley – State Street Corp – Third Security and a few more – who were in turn owned by the Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s would you say that was a mere coincidence..?
Problem – Reaction – Solution
They own the disease – whether it was released accidentally or on purpose…
They’ve all ready made a bundle of cash out of the suffering…
And look to make a shit load more when the ‘miracle’ vaccine is discovered…
They released genetically modified mosquitoes into Brazil – which was hoped to kill diseases…
Sadly that ‘experiment (funded in part incidentally by Bill Gates) –
Seems to have backfired in the most awful way…
And of course Brazil is a massive target by companies pimping and dumping dangerous – deadly and banned agricultural pesticides and chemicals – source: REUTERS
And yeah even without researching I can guess those companies are owned by at least one of the so called elite…
I think the Olympic drug testers might be getting some strange results given the sheer volume of banned pesticides polluting the country…
Absolute parasitic bastards
Update: At the time of writing the BBC is reporting Zika virus passed via sex
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Jacob Rothschild – not sinister at all