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Zaha Hadid I Want Your Liquid Glacial Table

By Thedollsfactory.com @dollsfactory
liquid glacial table by zaha hadid

While the worldwide famous architect Zaha Hadid needs no inroduction, I wanted to show you the latest design of hers which stole my heart. I find this table design such a genius creation that it enters my list of 'Home Design to buy when I win the lottary' . It retails at a price of $160,000 and has enetered the competition for thefurniture segment of the London Design Museum  2013 awards. 
The Liquid Glacial design embeds a combination of surface complexity and refraction with a powerful fluid dynamic.- Via Zaha Hadid
liquid glacial table by zaha hadid
liquid glacial table by zaha hadid
liquid glacial table by zaha hadid
liquid glacial table by zaha hadid

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