Entertainment Magazine

Youth Lagoon’s the Year of Hibernation [8.6]

Posted on the 11 October 2011 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

youth lagoon the year of hibernation 550x550 YOUTH LAGOONS THE YEAR OF HIBERNATION [8.6]

July – Youth Lagoon

Youth Lagoon (@youthlagoon) is the cathartic gem of Trevor Powers. Having struggled with anxiety for the better part of his life, he recently chose to channel that energy into something else — songwriting. Now, he’s not only mastered his own challenges, but used them as material for an utterly impressive debut LP.

The Year of Hibernation is a dreamy album, filled with touching songs that evoke a feeling of warm nostalgia. It’s like being in an abandoned home, rummaging through dust-covered journals and peering through faded picture books. Despite also having a somewhat erie instrumental tone, each track retains this sense of understated beauty, making it unique and rich

Muddled, hymnal-esque vocals layered over bright bells, heavy clanking, loops and layers form the foundation of the album. The opening track “Posters” provides the perfect introduction to this distinct Youth Lagoon sound, pivoting from a subtle song to one of grandeur and heavy percussion. That style of building upon sounds is common throughout the album, particularly in “Montana” and “The Hunt”. The tracks which stand out most are “Cannons”, “Afternoon” and “Daydream”, all bright, upbeat tracks that give The Year of Hibernation a bit of a lift, but keep the warm tone consistent. The soft “17” is a beautiful piano piece that includes some of the most moving lyrics on the album: “…don’t stop imagining – the day that you do is the day that you die.”

Listen to this album first to hear its amazing sound. Then, listen again to absorb the message and be connected. The Year of Hibernation has the potential to be just as therapeutic for the listener as it is for Mr. Powers himself.


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