I was a youth pastor for about five years of my ministry career. One of the challenges of youth ministry is that every youth group is a mix of strong Christians, weak Christians and non-Christians. Other than games and pizza, it is hard to find something that is appropriate for all three types of youth.
If I could start my youth ministry all over again, I would have had more of an emphasis on apologetics. Apologetics is something that is relevant to all youth, wherever they are at on their spiritual journey. Non-Christians can have their questions answered and perhaps come closer to making a commitment to Christ. Christians can have their confidence in the Gospel strengthened.
How can youth pastors introduce apologetics into their youth ministry? One way is to just give time and space for youth to ask their questions. However, many youth won’t feel comfortable asking questions in front of their friends. An alternative is to allow them to write down anonymous questions. The benefit of this is the youth pastor has time to look for the answers. Another option is to use an existing apologetics curriculum. I’m not sure how much is out there aimed at youth but I’m open to suggestions.
A final option is to contact me and let me help you design curriculum. I love putting curriculum together and I would be happy to work with you to develop something tailored to your group. Whatever you choose, please consider introducing an apologetic element in your youth ministry.
- Apologetics Curriculum
- Youth Ministry
- Youth Pastor