While I seem to STILL be on a blogging break, I thought this was fun 'Tis the Season and all.
Around here we are getting ready for Christmas with our tree cut & up and decorated with MULTICOLORED lights allll over it!
[multi-color proof]
I shared this list today on facebook too (and NEED to mention that this was NOT my list- it's from the K102 Amy James news feed and then I added a few of my own- but originally this is a source from Readers Digest) I really really DO want a fake tree only because I am the one that turns the tree off every night and every time I leave the house, even if it's to run down to the mailbox (KIDDING- kind of).
I also posted, yesterday, that I listened to the new Britney album while decorating the tree during nap time. Some might argue that "what you listen to while decorating your tree, has A LOT more to say about yourself" but... I do want to mention that we did listen to Christmas music while we put the lights on the tree last weekend.
[the song "Brightest Morning Star" was a GREAT song for tree decorating!!]
[clearing... Avrie is an extrovert as well!!]
So... how is your tree decorated this year/every year!?
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