I am a super competitive person. I'm somewhat competitive with others, but I'm mostly competitive with myself. I hold myself to a high standard. It's both a blessing and a curse.
It causes me to dream + develop ideas. To achieve great things. To go after my goals. To push above and beyond my limits.
But it's also very tiring. I find myself frustrated when I know that I am not the best at something. I'm hard on myself. I sit and strategize over what I could've done differently to have been the best at whatever it was. I nitpick every little detail until I feel crazy.
As I prepare to begin the arduous task of applying for grad school later this year (all positive vibes welcome!), I'm doing everything that I can to truly live out, "It's okay to not be the best as long as you're doing your best."
I study hard. Harder than I ever have. I'm getting out of my comfort zone and reaching out to network with professionals who are already established in the field of speech-language pathology. I even signed up to do directed research this summer (like who am I?)...I can honestly say that I am doing my best. Yeah, it may not be the best to some school admissions teams but you know what? That's okay. I know that as long as I can truly say that I am doing my best (which I can), that I will end up where I'm supposed to be.
Be your best you!xo, Jess