Destinations Magazine

You’ve Got a Small Business Twitter Account: What’s Your Story, Morning Glory?

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Twitter Tips for Small Business

Now that your small business Twitter account is up and running, it’s time to give it a little love.

In other words–it’s time to grow your brand online and to connect with like-minded potential customers!

Small Business Twitter Account: Start Tweeting

Before you even consider following anyone, you need to start tweeting.

I know, I know. It’s so lonely you can hear the sound of crickets, but don’t worry–that’s going to change!

First, don’t just start jabbering about how wonderful your small Indiana business is and all the neat things that you carry. While I’m sure that’s true, it is not going to win you any followers.

Instead, share something funny that happened or your favorite motto or quote. Comment on how delicious your newest flavor of coffee smells or how you got your small business start. Whatever you say, don’t obviously promote yourself. At least not yet.

What’s the  Story, Morning Glory

In these first few tweets, you are setting yourself up for attracting and gaining new followers.

Once you get a few tweets under your belt, at least ten, you’ll want to start reaching out to other folks. You might want to start with people in your own town or county.

Do a Twitter search to find people near you–and follow them!

What’s the Word, Hummingbird

Twitter Tips for Small Business

Twitter Tips for Small Business

Don’t just follow someone and ignore them. What you want to do is to follow someone, speak (or tweet) directly to them, and then go back to your own thing–while remembering to engage with them every once in a while.

Twitter isn’t just about you. It’s about engaging and chatting with others (and maybe using hashtags!).

Earn their trust, develop a relationship, and you may just earn yourself a life-long customer in the process.

Establish Trust

While it will be slow going, rest assured that you are creating a positive online image for your brand. The people will follow–and when they do you’ll have a stronger network online and off!

Image Courtesy of Flickr, Dunechaser.
Image Courtesy of Flickr, Kaptain Kobold.

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

Just don’t forget to tell ‘em that  little Indiana sent you!

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