2015 has most challenging year in the Internet marketing. There were lots of ups and down but we still stands and do the internet marketing and blogging on high level. well Blogging, hmm I think It’s easier way to make money online. But what exactly story behind blogging, do you know about it? I can’t say this is impossible work but real passion about blogging and hard work is essential.
What is the Basic For successful blogging?
Basic Knowledge of SEO
Social Awareness
Marketing Tools
Blogging Network
Basic Knowledge of web Designing and web Development
These are the basic points that you must know about that how to use these things, how to manage miner error and simple images editing or other basic designing things. It will definitely save your time and money both.
Few months back blogging in India used to be a hobby with little or no sources of income. But now days it becomes something else where you can see bright future with your unlimited and uncountable passion. I have been started full time blogging for 2 months ago and I am extremely happy to see traffic results on my favorite tech blog at computergeekblog.com
Traffic Ratio at Computergeekblog.com from last 2 months

Best blog sites of 2015

Well there are few bloggers I regularly follow them and wants to be like them. According to all calculation these bloggers are the best bloggers of 2015 in India. Also I can say they are ideal of my blogging career. Any beginners who are looking to make money online, then you should subscribe to updates from these bloggers and follow their every move.
1. Amit Agarwal
Website – Labnol.org
Earning – Rs. 30 Lakh
2. Harsh Aagrwal
Website- Shoutmeloud.com
Earning – Rs 6 Lakh
3.Shradha Sharma
Website – Yourstory.com
Earning – Rs. 10 lakh
4. Ashish Sinha
Website – Nextbigwhat.com
Earning- Rs 4 Lakh
5. Prabhudesai
Website – Trak.in
Earning Rs- 3 lakh
Note : All earnings are estimates and are on a monthly basis.
Hope you like this post and get some inspiration from above mentioned bloggers. Keep subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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