Gaming Magazine

You'll Be Able to Transfer Your Destiny Progress Over to Destiny 2

Posted on the 09 December 2014 by Sameo452005 @iSamKulii
You'll be able to transfer your Destiny progress over to Destiny 2
Progress made in Destiny and its upcoming expansion packs will be transferable to its upcoming sequel, Bungie has confirmed.
While the game has yet to be formally unveiled, the developer confirmed to IGN that players will be able to bring their Guardian on the next adventure, and that the studio is "always dreaming" about where to take the franchise next.
"It's been no secret that we have a ten-year plan for the expansion and evolution of this franchise, and it's something that we're always dreaming about," said community manager David Dague.
"I've seen new concept art, I've seen new exotic weapons up on people's's a lot of fun to walk around the studio, because there's always somebody thinking about the next place you'll go, the next enemy you'll fight, the next thing that you'll earn for doing those things."
He continued: "The idea is that the Guardian you have created is something you can bring along with you on that adventure. If you take a look at the way people have played other games for a long period of time, they've had a relationship with the same character for a very long time."
Destiny's first expansion pack, The Dark Below, launches on all platforms today.

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