They were awesome! We went out on activities which they always made sure to let us know about even if we weren't attending regularly.
And then.......
My wife expressed to the YW leader that she was having serious doubts about the messages from the GA's. She expressed serious doubts about the Church and was told that "You just need to pray more and read the Book of Mormon."
Which is a cop out "answer."
Sometimes you need concrete answers. You need something more than platitudes, something more than outdated and antiquated clichés that provide no insight, no further light and knowledge.
And you certainly need to feel validation in the answers you find rather than ostracism, condemnation or shame if those answers don't match those of your EQ President, YW leader, stake president, Bishop or even General Authorities.
My wife was friends with the YW leader on Facebook but after expressing doubts the YW leader unfriended and blocked her. Because Christ commanded us to love our enemies unless they believe differently than you then it's totally cool to ostracize those who were your friends.
"Regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church." –President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Apparently though this sounds good enough to say in front of the world it is not good enough to be put into practice kinda like the "new policies" found on the mormonsandgays website.
But for me the biggest test of my faith came in going to the Temple.
I had read the Bible where scripture describes exactly how the Temple should be built, what it should have and what the Priesthood is to accomplish there. Before Solomon's Temple was built the Jews had a makeshift Temple that was set up every time they laid camp. But Solomon changed nothing but the scale of the Temple and added to its grandeur by using the most precious stones and metals for its construction.
And when the Jews come back to Israel after their exile in Babylon they rebuilt the Temple according to those specifications laid out in scripture.
There were 3 courts at the Temple, one for women, one called the court of the Israelites and even one called the court of the Gentiles. The court of the Israelites was for men only. There was also a portion the the Temple site to welcome lepers who were considered unclean.
When I study Solomons Temple and Herods reconstructed Temple and also what I find on scripture I feel close to The Lord just understanding what was to be accomplished in His house.
But everything I understood from scripture about what was supposed to be done in The Lords House and how it was to be laid out was found in our modern Temple.
Why was the Temples descriptions in scripture so familiar and our modern Temple so foreign? Again, I was told I need to pray more and read the Book of Mormon or doubt my doubts and dumb crap like that.
When I went to the Temple with my more than shoulder length hair, full long beard, piercings and a couple visible tattoos I was welcomed graciously. I felt real Christlike love. Getting a far different reaction from so many in my local ward I had to wonder why the special treatment? Should we not love one another as He loves us?
Or is His love conditional on us being the most worthy, the most righteous and those who keep to BYU's grooming standards?
God made the Earth and all life on it personally so the Earth itself is a Temple handcrafted by God. Our Temples however exquisite are made of men not God. I'm not saying they don't matter what I'm saying is there is nowhere on earth that is not sacred and holy ground. God sees us shame and shun His children because of whatever differences in dress, grooming, belief, race or sexuality.
Here's a thought; if God made each of us in His image and assuming God does not make counterfeit product then maybe our differences in race, gender or sexuality and more exist to test our love for one another.
It's easy to love those who think and feel like you but the true test is when we differ, when we disagree and how we test others, how we talk to and about others and whether or not we can rise above differences and contention to achieve love that is reflective of the Love Christ showed those in His life and ministry.
My biggest issue with the church and church culture is that we rely on authority for truth rather than on truth for authority.
We can never achieve further light and knowledge if we base our understanding and evaluation of truth based on who said it rather than on what was said.
I've never needed others to be wrong for me to be right. I should have to be labeled an Apostate simply because I'm on a different path than someone else.
3+4=7 so does 1+6. Just because we may be on a different path does not mean our destination will not be the same.
I feel that Jesus cares more about how you treat others, if you love others as He loves us than He does about how many Bible verses you memorized.
I think that saying you're a true disciple because you go to a certain church is like saying that standing in a garage is what makes you a car.
If you get answers through prayer you are under no obligation to coddle those who are bothered by your truth.
![You Just Need To Pray More You Just Need To Pray More](