Lifestyle Magazine

You Fit Me Better Than My Favourite Sweater

By The Persephone Complex @hollycassell
 The last week I’ve been keeping myself busy, looking for new obsessions. I would say I’ve been successful in my quest. I’m pretty obsessive at the best of times, so God help everyone when I actually go looking. Here are some of the things I’ve been up to…
1 – Doing the nerdiest nail art ever. I thought I’d celebrate the impending release of the PlayStation 4 in my own mental way. Don’t judge, okay? I got the idea off Pinterest, and added my own twist with the jewels and the thumb design. Me being me, I thought I’d bling it up a bit. I’ve also started a new Nails board devoted to all the designs I want to try, which I’d love you to check out if you like that kind of thing.
2 – Listening to this song. I found it by chance while I was watching Lana Del Rey videos, and almost wet my pants with excitement. I’ve had it on repeat ever since. As some of you will know, I’m totally infatuated with Gesaffelstein (I did a post about him which you can check out here if you don’t know who he is) and Lana Del Rey. Falling in love with a remix like this is intense for me – I’m not sure if I’m ready to get hurt again, you know? And I don’t want to sabotage it by being too clingy. Maybe I should give it some space to…you know….think about our future together? Well, we haven’t promised to be exclusive yet, so I’m going to be super mature and share my baby with you.
I’m like…so ABOVE all that jealousy crap…*silently sobbing*<\/param><\/embed><\/object><\/div>";" src="" style="border-style: none;" />
3 -  Re-watching favorite DVDs in my bedroom. Although there is one missing here, and that’s Game of Thrones Season 2. I just hate those Lannister douchebags. All hail the Great Calisi, BLOOD OF THE DRAGON!!!!! RHWAAAARRRRRR!!!!! Too much?
4 – Dressing up like a cross between Penny Lane from Almost Famous, and The Queen of Hearts from Alice In Wonderland. Fun!
Also, I have been freaking out that, come July, I’m probably going to lose about a hundred followers. Thanks a bunch, Google. I know it’s seriously depressing and everything, but let’s all try to make it work, okay? If you like my blog then come follow me on bloglovin - I’ve already imported my whole reading list, and I’m going to use it to follow any new blogs I discover too. So don’t be shy about stalking me all over the web. I honestly don’t mind.

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