Relationships Magazine

You Can't Raise A Man, Nothing But Facts, Periodt!

By Themilkaint4free @prospermuch

Dear Sister, I sure would have liked to learn this lesson a long time ago.  I hope my "Single Sisters" listen up and more importantly "Wise UP."  There is a distinct difference between a healthy, mature man and the facade (a male masking his issues with sex, drugs, church, and whatever vices he can find).  Stay Woke! He is emotionally unavailable, not dependable, doesn't keep his words, speaks to people disrespectfully....and listen up because soon that will be him talking to you!  Are you having to teach him things that he should have learned in his parent's home like how to be respectful and how to set boundaries as a father?  Girl, he may be a CLIENT but he sure ain't ready to be your man.  Direct your brother to get the help he needs, and don't dare get into a relationship with someone who is still trapped in a 13 year old mind. 
Dear Sister...I pray to GOD that you marry a MAN of GOD and not an immature boy and the ones In Church pretending to be a man, trust, they are the worst...Be Woke My Sister In Christ!!!

 K. Michelle -Can't Raise A Man #Facts and I sure don't want too!
Get Your EBook Fit For A Queen
"You can't raise a man, he's already grown, what you gonna do?
You wonder why he acts like a boy
It's 'cause he wasn't raised right before you
Girl, you ain't never gonna change nobody
If he don't wanna, you can't make nobody
'Cause you can't raise a man, no, no"

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