So believe it or not, I actually had the motivation to write a 700-word post last night, that was all ready to go for the world to see, after “one last edit”, and then my browser froze. Like…brought my computer back to the ice ages froze. Although I could helplessly see my post, I couldn’t copy and paste the words else where, nor had WordPress’ new shortcut-to-post feature allows a draft to be automatically saved.
Not sure why a company would invest money into a new feature that leaves out this crucial function, but I digress.
So I spent the better part of my Sunday evening, starting out as I normally do: checking emails and social media — catching up on the things I missed during the week.
Or even for the better part of the year.
I had clicked on a link on Facebook that brought me to the entertainment site, where I went through several sets of slideshows that all began with “13 Celebrities you didn’t know…” Apparently, tinsel town is overrun by a lot “fake” “multiracial” celebrities with extensive criminal records and bad breath.
But what really caught my curiosity, was the Kim Kardashian slide show on her infamous butt. I looked through 6 years of her butt. And other celebrities who apparently had botched “butt jobs.”

Ms. Vanity Wonder, to my left, is one such celebrity/author who went through over 16 injections, by who knows who on the streets. She felt that a curvier appearance would boost her dancing career. Luckily, she had not had any life threatening complications, but is currently an advocate against this black market plastic surgery.
I honestly have to say, that is a phenomenon that is still foreign to me. I remember reading in the tabloids many years ago about a stripper wanting a bigger butt, but she went to a surgeon who put in breast implants instead of the correct ones, and ruining her career. And I remember thinking (at my very young age) that such a surgery was so unheard of, that the “correct implants” must not have existed!
I grew up during a time of “Does this make my butt look big?” and wanting to hear “no”.
I even remember jokingly, my adolescent peers referring to my behind as “gluteus minimus”, but since I never hit double digits in most brands of jeans, it really didn’t phase me. I more than made up for it with the double D(s)anger assets I carried up front.
But alas, thousands of women in the U.S are getting this type of surgery to add volume to their derrieres. Some are paying serious consequences from infections to losing limbs, and even their lives.
The woman in the featured photo is from Renee Talley’s youtube. She took a video of herself last year flipping her implant. That’s right. Her implant flipped upside-down while inside of her, and she can flip it back….like a pancake.
Now, although I don’t understand this current trend in artificial enhancement, I do understand the need for perfection or body image. My idea of beauty is different from someone else’s. And I’m very glad that the media has started to embrace the diversity of body shapes, I just hope that some of these shapes are natural and we aren’t simply replacing one evil (rail thin anorexia) for another (see above).
After 6 months of extensive training which includes a couple hundred jump squats a week, I apparently have maximized by rear-end portfolio as well (unintended consequence) and I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback.
But, have I ever thought of getting plastic surgery? Hell yeah…not too long ago I was talking with a fellow gym rat about going South somewhere for a good deal, but could I prepare myself for the risks and having to live the rest of my life with certain scars? That has me second guessing.
Man is not perfect, thus no man can make me perfect; no matter what medical school he graduated from. So I’ll be living with my flaws and lumps for a little while longer.
What about you? If you came into a pile of cash or a magic genie and could change something about yourself, would you?
Tell me!
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