Do you really realize who you are in Christ? Don't just answer, take a moment and really think about this question. It's loaded. YOU are loaded with the awesomeness of Christ in You. You are His Daughter, the apple of His eyes! A precious gift sent from heaven to earth for such a time as this. I need you to really ponder on this and ask yourself these questions: Have I bought the lie that folks have told me that I'm not pretty enough, not smart enough, hair not long enough, eyes not bright enough? Do I really know my worth, and am I willing to not buy down on what I know I deserve? Will I settle for just being someone's play thing or will I only agree to be his wife and everything? Don't say you know who you are in Christ and then put up with any old thing? How you treat yourself and allow yourself to be treated is a reflection of what you really believe deep down inside. My sister, God's Daughter, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator God of the universe. Know who you are in Christ, and no matter your background, or what you've been through, or the mistakes you've made, YOU ARE STILL A QUEEEN, and you deserve to be treated as such. DO NOT SETTLE FOR LESS THAN GOD'S BEST!!! Get Your Personal Copy of thebook for single woman of all ages, The Milk Ain't 4 Free!!!