Gardening Magazine

Yet Another Virtual Garden Tour

By John Markowski @jmarkowski0

Geranium 'Espresso' continues to bloom its arse off:
Yet another virtual garden tour
With trepidation, I made a decision to underplant all of these geraniums with Lysimachia. Brown/yellow color combo, 1970's anyone?:
Yet another virtual garden tour
Sigh ...
Yet another virtual garden tour
Still a sucker for a purple/yellow combination:
Yet another virtual garden tour
Not sure how, but the tiny little Lilac I planted last summer is blooming like mad already:
Yet another virtual garden tour
The Astilbe show is coming to a yard near me soon:
Yet another virtual garden tour
Yet another virtual garden tour
If you set a foot outdoors in my yard today, you are overwhelmed with the scent of Honeysuckle from the 100 or so shrubs that are on my property. Kind of delicious:
Yet another virtual garden tour
Yet another virtual garden tour
Yet another virtual garden tour
While they are nearing bloom time, let's face it, Lady's Mantle are all about how they capture the raindrops:
Yet another virtual garden tour
Tsuga canadensis (Eastern Hemlock) 'Moon Frost' just put on its new growth and looks fantastic:
Yet another virtual garden tour
Same goes with Juniper 'Gold Cone':
Yet another virtual garden tour
Panicum (Switch Grass) 'Heavy Metal' has made an appearance and we welcome her with open arms:
Yet another virtual garden tour
But most importantly, there are actual signs of a true "garden". Plants co-mingling and looking OK:
Yet another virtual garden tour
Yet another virtual garden tour
Yet another virtual garden tour
Good times.

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