Yesterday was President Ebola’s 53rd birthday.
That’s if you actually believe the POS’s claim that he was born on August 4, 1961, because there are those who suspect his birthdate was really seven months earlier in January 1961.
Giving credence to this rumor are weird things that the POS himself said.
1. On April 18, 2009, at an international meeting at the Port of Spain in Trinidad, which was attended by Obama, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega delivered an hour-long diatribe against the United States for the Kennedy administration’s Bay of Pigs attempted invasion of Cuba.
The next day in a press conference, referring to Ortega’s diatribe about the Bay of Pigs, Obama said: ““I’m grateful President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old.”
Obama’s comment that he was born three months before the Bay of Pigs invasion was reported by Fox News, the Christian Science Monitor, and ABC News.
The Bay of Pigs took place on April 19, 1961 — more than four months BEFORE Obama supposedly was born. If we believe Obama’s comment, this means he actually was born in January 1961. (Read more about this here.)
2. Given the lies, it is no wonder that Obama gets confused about his birthday.
As an example, on July 15, 2011, he said in front of the press that his birthday was “next week.”
Alas, as you can see in the calendar below, Aug. 4 wasn’t “next week” but THREE weeks away.
Calendar for July 2011 (United States)
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat |
Who among us, except those with senile dementia, is confused about our birth date?
Everything about this Man of Sin is a lie, including his birthdate.
Here are some hilarious comments on the video’s YouTube site:
Eric Hathaway: “His birth date is 6/6/6 :)”
Nathan Sullivan: “He has no birth date he is from hell”
Andrew Fieldhouse: “His tru birth date is 06.06 .60″
badbob85037: “That is because one who is hatched does not have a birthday.”
And here’s my nomination for the Most Moronic Comment of the Year:
The Cabbage: “I am sure that he does not want people to know his real birthday because people could attack him or his family in his home. They will know where he will be on his birthday. These people are much more clever than the majority of the population. He is the president for a reason you know.”
See also:
- 40% of U.S. adults (incl. 11% of Dems) not sure if Obama is American citizen
- NH state legislator: Obamas are a made-up family
- Michelle Obama is a transexual?
- Hawaii Dept of Education can’t find Obama’s school records
- Who is Obama? Even can’t verify his identity
- Washington Times full-page ad on Obama’s forged Select Service Registration
- Investor’s Business Daily editorial asks if Obama’s entire life is a fiction
- Where are Obama’s daughters’ baby pics and birth records?