and while i realize that this time is no different, and we already love this little baby so very much, and there will most definitely be another chamber in my heart bursting with overflowing love, i worry... i hope that just like with all the other four, this little new one will fit right in and complete the team. i know that my oldest two are SO very excited ( as a matter of fact for about a year now i heard "can we have another baby soon?"), but this time is different from all the other ones before. there will be a big gap between the oldest and the youngest now, and they will remember and note the difference between "before and after" - which is something completely new to me.day in and day out i think about it. how to transition? how to ensure that the oldest ones know that i love them just the same, if not more, even when i will be ( and i know that i will) taking 90% of my time to care for a newborn? what to say? and how to act?
until i figure it out, i'm trying to make the most of each day. there was nothing spectacular about yesterday. we simply went downtown. chatted about school and projects on the way ( did i mention that he is a scientist and she is an artist?). it was freezing. we made our way into a covered area, got some animal cookies and tea and watched trains for a good hour or more, and then went home. and it was as if we did the best thing in the world ever.

did you ever have similar experiences? can you relate? what would you do?