Shares in the name are up sharply on Thursday morning after Yelp reported a first-quarter loss of $0.04 a share, beating the average of analyst expectations. The stock popped more than 10% during the first 25 minutes of the trading session to as high as $64.38. The sharp move in the price of the underlying pushed the premium on the now in-the-money 16May’14 $60 calls to $6.30 at 9:55 a.m. ET, an 80% increase in the value of the contracts overnight for buyers who paid $3.50 per contract on Wednesday. Open interest in the May $60 strike calls, which was 1,878 contracts as of yesterday, jumped to 18,763 today following heavy trading in the prior session. It’s still early in the session, but as of 10:00 a.m. ET, only 230 of the calls have changed hands, suggesting traders are holding onto the contracts for now.
Chart – Premium on YELP 16May’14 $60 strike calls rises
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