Gaming Magazine

Xbox One to PC Streaming Targeting 1080p, 60fps

Posted on the 22 January 2015 by Sameo452005 @iSamKulii
Xbox One to PC streaming targeting 1080p, 60fps
Microsoft has revealed that it’s looking to achieve 1080p resolution at 60 frames-per-second when the Xbox One game streaming launches later this year.
Microsoft’s Mike Ybarra has given us a few hints as to what we can expect.
“It will really largely depend on the scenario to which someone is trying to play,” Mike Ybarra said in an interview following the reveal of the streaming service.
“But we want to make sure that we can get the optimal experience.”  According to Ybarra, the version currently in development is running at 720p, 30 frames-per-second.  On latency, Ybarra said that the goal is to have as low latency as possible.

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