A higher powered console generation means The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt can "go nuts" on graphics for all platforms without worrying about performance on one, the game's studio said in an interview.
"Because we are developing the game for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC, we go nuts in terms of visuals. We want the game to look as beautiful as possible," Tomasz Jarzebowski, global head of marketing for CD Projekt Red, told the Sydney Morning Herald. "I think we are in a good moment, we don't have to choose between better graphics or performance on either PC or consoles now, we can just create the best looking game possible."
Asked if that meant Wild Hunt would push the limits of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Jarzebowski wouldn't say for sure. "If it maxes out the consoles? Well, the future will tell," he said. "There are games that are being released for current-gen that look way better than everything created so far. We are always getting wiser and wiser, so I expect our next game will look even better."
Originally scheduled to release at the end of this year, CD Projekt Red pushed the launch ofThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to February 2015.