Entertainment Magazine

Wytches Dark Surf Rock is as Awesome as You Think [stream]

Posted on the 13 February 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

artworks 000070536607 zcsm8x t500x500 WYTCHES DARK SURF ROCK IS AS AWESOME AS YOU THINK [STREAM]

post player play black WYTCHES DARK SURF ROCK IS AS AWESOME AS YOU THINK [STREAM] post player play WYTCHES DARK SURF ROCK IS AS AWESOME AS YOU THINK [STREAM] Wytches – Wire Frame Mattress SoundCloud

A track that has the power to crush in your skull with delicious, static-y noise is rare and wonderful enough —  one that takes several fantastic turns in 3 short minutes, though, is nothing short of amazing. Wytches‘ “Wire Frame Mattress” is just that kind of amazing. Coming from Britain and recently signed to Partisan Records, where it seems all amazing garage-punk is coming from lately, Wytches marked themselves as a band to watch from the minute their debut track shifts from just a great garage song to a fucking surf rock track. Seriously, it has to be heard to be believed. Honestly, the only adequate descriptor I can come up with is bitchin’ — cause it is straight up killer. Listen to the track above and then listen to it again, and then just sit back and hope that it’s not too long before we hear more from this band.

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