Finding inspiration to write can be hard sometimes. I suffer from writer’s block a lot. Usually, it’s because I have so many other things running through my head and the piece I want to write just can’t make it out.
Blogging has taking my writer’s block to a whole new level. But the good news is I feel like I have finally found a rhythm and flow with my writing, and can now focus my thoughts to get something down on paper, so to speak. And as of late, the writer’s block hasn’t been so bad. I’ve found some ways to keep the writer’s block at bay, and make sure I always have something to write about. And even things to help when the dreaded writer’s block hits. Here are my tips for inspiring a blog post.
GratisographyWhen you think of an idea, topic, or keyword, write it down. Toss it in an e-mail to yourself, put it in the notes of your iPhone, or on a napkin. Write everything down. The one thing that’s helped me tremendously is making note of any ideas that come to mind. I keep a document in my Dropbox with various ideas that have popped into my head. I also have some drafts saved with loose title ideas.
Read the news. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been stuck for something to write, and I found myself checking out the latest news stories. Something will usually strike a chord and inspiration sets in. The other benefit? Writing something that’s current and being talked about will usually help your SEO. As long as you’re keeping up with your keywords.
Read what other bloggers are talking about. There are some incredible bloggers out there that always have great content flowing. Sometimes it will be something fun like a Reverse Bucket List (my own post is coming!), sometimes it’s a list of some sort (check out Helene In Between’s 28 Things list), or sometimes they will even create a list of different blog ideas. Usually reading other blogs will trigger something that I want to write about.
Google. I can’t even tell you how many times I have googled “blog post ideas.” Definitely more times that I’d like to admit. But when you have writer’s block, you’ll do anything to get out of it. Here are some of the links that come up.
- 101 Blog Post Ideas by
- 101 Blog Post Ideas to Make Your Blog “Hot” by Start Blogging Online
- Blog Post Ideas from The Blog Post Stylist
Search on Pinterest. Same thing as Google. You’ll be amazed at the results you get.
Download an app. I recently discovered a couple of apps that have helped spark my creativity. The one that I’m completely in love with is Brainsparker. When you open the app, it shows you cards face down, and you select one. On the opposite is a writing prompt, a phrase, a quote or a word. It’s been really great for helping to keep my creativity and inspiration on track.
I’m sure I have numerous more, but to keep this post short and sweet, we will call it quits with six today!
So tell me: What helps you to beat writer’s block?
posted on 18 August at 14:41
I was just finish reading this post, maybe it can be added on this page? Here it is;