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Write to Done

By Darthclavie @DarthClavie
Date: 2017-04-13 20:44 More videos "How to write an instagram address"

You guys probably have no idea who Catherine is, well she is the daughter of she was 667 in vampire years she turned Strigoi, my dad was the one who killed her. (My dad = Caius yes he was part of the Volturi) The reason he killed her was that she tried to kill was always jealous of my powers telepathy,subjective precognition,mental protection and compulsion. But because she was Marcus' daughter Marcus got revenge on us by killing my mother and they 8767 re hunting me down to get me to join their coven to start using my powers for "good" in battles.

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So, I did what my older brother would 8767 ve told me to do, I picked the emotion that was easiest to feel, and focused all of my energy on it. All at once, I felt this surge of soul-crushing anger and I snapped, 8775 For your information, I didn 8767 t know you were there, so it obviously wasn 8767 t for you personal entertainment. Now are you going to stop being a jerk and actually help me, or are you going to stand there and gloat like an idiot? 8776

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It was interesting. I think that a low-residency program is a much better approximation of what a writer's life is going to be like upon matriculation than the traditional dedicated, full-time program. As a writer, we have to be masters of time management to keep our lives functioning while we are also running these odd side careers in the corners of the day.

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He was different somehow, there was just something about him that captured my attention. It must 8767 ve been the way his hair seemed to capture every beam of moonlight that shone down upon it, or maybe it was the way he carried himself like he was the one thing that kept this world spinning. I analyzed him intensely as if I could figure him out with a glance. If I could guess what he knew maybe i could use him to free myself once and for all. This endless, deadly cycle would finally be broken. I would no longer have to run.

The inside was no better from the outside, still and unwelcoming. A dog growled in it 8767 s sleep from under a pile of leaves in the kitchen, rustling from a crow landing somehow entering its dream. The many holes in the roof helped the animals that lived within see what little of the cottage remained, though they didn 8767 t pay much to it, besides that it was shelter from the cruel outdoor 8767 s wakening sun.

"Mom?" I said, no one responded. As I ran through all the rooms in my house searching for my mother, I decided to call my dad. "Dad, i just came home and mom isn't-"

I am caught up in your story, which is interesting and exciting. I 8767 m curious to know what happened to Sarah.
Your story needs editing, as every story does when it 8767 s a first draft I 8767 m assuming yours is?
Will you post more of your story?

I have been struggling through my Creative Writing minor for a whole year. I know that 8767 s not very long but I was super stressed out. This website is a lifesaver!!

If you want some suggestions about how to edit your own work, many writers have found Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King full of practical advice about how to edit, what to edit, and why you need to edit.

Be personal : Make your essay about you speak in the first person. Avoid speaking in the editorial 8775 we. 8776 Tell a story from your own life this is not an opinion piece about social ideals. Write in words and phrases that are comfortable for you to speak. We recommend you read your essay aloud to yourself several times, and each time edit it and simplify it until you find the words, tone, and story that truly echo your belief and the way you speak.

Write to Done

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