Over several essays, Rav Ashlag expounded on the reasons why there will not be peace in the world until there is unity and brotherly love throughout the world. He also explains that the more the world suffers from the adverse consequences of what researchers, Twenge and Campbell, call "the narcissism epidemic," [86] the more people will turn their anger against Jews. Subconsciously, people expect the Jews to pave the way for a better society, namely to be "a light unto nations." Until the Jews carry out this task, the animosity and accusations against them will grow.
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Since ancient times the world has had its list of (usually seven) wonders. In antiquity, the Great Pyramid of Giza (the only wonder from the original list still standing), the statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Colossus of Rhodes ( a new , [6] gigantic, version of which is being built today), and others were among the occupants of the list. Over time, the world's wonders changed depending on the identity and place of residence of the list's compilers, who included such places as the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, and England's Stonehenge.
But, alas, if that happens, their method will die with them, and we will destroy ourselves. We're well on the way, as we see every day. So yes, let's push and badger the Jews, but not by hating them. Let's demand that they do their job. Let's remind them what it means to be "chosen" and the responsibility encompassed in that designation, so they will be able to re-ignite their formidable force and teach us how to unite against the prevailing egoistic forces of the 76st century.
[6] Leo Tolstoy, "What is the Jew?" quoted in The Final Resolution , p 689, printed in Jewish World periodical, 6958.
*****Artsot Ha-Hayyim, pages 57a, 57b: In 6997 a book was published by a leading member of the Satmar community entitled Artsot Ha-Hayyim. On p. 57 he explains, and quotes other rabbis, that the reason Abraham Lincoln was killed was because he freed the blacks. this is also the reason why Kennedy was killed, . because he was good to the blacks. He continues by saying that this will be the fate of any who adopt a progressive attitude towards blacks, because they are meant to be enslaved.
I didn 8767 t mean to sound nit picky : / I really feel like this should be required reading. I didn 8767 t realize my comment would be displayed. Sorry
If they can do this, become a successful example of this rule 8767 s implementation, then perhaps they can also share their special precociousness in keeping this rule with the rest of the world. If they can succeed at this, then many a skeptic will be glad to bestow upon them the title of "chosen people" and it will be justly deserved.
Incredible. A very lengthy piece of bull shit propaganda. The Jews are far from innocent, and are perhaps the most evil, conniving rodents on this planet. Perhaps if this article were bias-free, they would show the atrocities Israel has committed against innocent Palestinian children, how they are the CEOs/Chairmen of most major America media outlets, how they are disproportionately admitted to Harvard, etc, etc. These 8775 negative 8776 opinions people have towards Jews are not by any means unfounded, and are well supported if you take your head out of Benjamin Netanyahu 8767 s ass.
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