I have had the honor of being nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award from one of my favorite bloggers, needforspeed! She chronicles her life and dating adventures in a smart, honest, poignant and entertaining way! She’s hilarious and great! I don’t know why she’s single! Thanks for the nomination, love!
So the rules are that I have to: 1) thank the person who gave it to me, 2) share 7 possible things that are unknown about me, 3) nominate 15 or so bloggers, and 4) notify the nominees of their nomination.
1. I am a native New Yorker, which some might say explains my tone Nothing like growing up with Central Park & syringe infected Tompkins Square Park as your playgrounds.
2. I grew up with “tiger” parents, which some might also say explains my tone Looking back at the deprivation I felt when I was younger, I’m grateful for it.
3. The You’re Just a Dumbass concept was an idea I had 9 years ago. I developed and refined the technique and finally got over myself and started writing.
4. I have another 7 ideas that I am working on. Can’t wait to give them life!
5. I am inspired by other bloggers courage. Not just the content, but the character & passion that is conveyed in the writing.
6. I am a picky eater. I’m the one that requests things to be put on the side.
7. I try to enhance 1 human beings life every day. Not just in the give change to the panhandler way, in a help someone through pain way.
This is in no ranked order. I admire and am inspired by them all equally. The list of nominees are: