In a bit of a rut? Have the travel bug? Just ended that dead-end long term relationship and looking for a change? Have you ever considered moving overseas to start a new chapter of your career and life?
One friend of mine felt called to move to Israel and is there right now (we’re thinking of you Laura!). Another girlfriend took a job transfer in London and loved her time there, eventually being transferred back to the states. And this weekend I met a young family who will be moving to Japan with their two kids so the husband can pursue a new role within his existing employer.
If there’s one fantasy place that I’d love to visit or spend some time in it’s….
wait for it….
Dubai. Is that strange? Maybe. But believe it or not, the United Arab Emirates – Dubai in particular – apparently has tons of job opportunities waiting to be filled if you’re qualified.
If moving overseas seems like the solution to your quarterlife crisis, you won’t be the only one. Thousands of women from all over the world already working there, many of them from the United States and from Europe. From a bit of research and a few of my personal contacts who have bee or worked there, it sounds like the salaries are excellent and not to mention TAX FREE (HUH!?!). Interested now?
Perhaps Sex and the City 2 inspired some of us. Dubai is a global city and is both a cultural and economic hub within a thriving, dynamic region of the world. The city, named after the emirate which surrounds it, is famed for towering skyscrapers, man-made islands (how this is possible I have no idea), amazing hotels, and dozens of incredible shopping malls, including the Dubai Mall (pictured below): the world’s largest shopping, leisure and entertainment destination.
For those of you who also find appeal in Dubai, get ready to do some major shopping and spending. Luckily (unlike many Middle East or North African countries countries) banking in Dubai is up to snuff! You’ll even feel a bit American when you see banks like HSBC and Barclays around town.
But beware: unlike America, debt is taken VERY seriously in the UAE and can easily land you in hot water – or even jail – if you’re not careful. You must keep up with your bills and bank accounts! How UN-American for many of us who have credit cards, car notes and student loans from what seems like all banks in town.
But is moving to a glamourous far away land really the right answer to your quarterlife crisis?
Only YOU can answer that. And maybe you won’t answer that question until you get there and have stayed there for a certain amount of time. That’s ok. Even if it was the wrong choice, it’s all part of your story.
If you’re thinking about moving overseas, here are a few resources for you. Long-time Ms. Career Girl reader (commenter and guest poster!) Leslie Forman, has posted about her adventures as an overseas career girl in Chile and China. Check out her guest post about how to launch your international career or this one I wrote about how working abroad changes your career.
Have you ever studied or worked abroad? Would you recommend it?
Would you ever move to a place like Dubai to pursue a new chapter?