Debate Magazine

Would President Lucifer Re-tweet This Bloody Photo?

Posted on the 22 March 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

Byron Wolf reports for ABC News that last night, the POS’s Twitter account @BarackObama retweeted this picture of John Lennon”s bloody glasses from the day he was murdered.

bloody glasses

The picture was first tweeted by the no-talent insufferable Yoko Ono, who accompanied the pic with text saying that more than a million people have been killed by guns since Lennon was shot in 1980.

The POS’ retweet of the bloody-glasses photo, in turn, was forwarded to his more than 28 million followers.

THEODORE B, a reader of this news on Yahoo!, asks this excellent question:

Imagine a right wing conservative tweeting a picture of bloody instruments used in an abortion and what the media would say about it?

An even better question is:

Since President Lucifer is so against murder, would he ever retweet this picture?



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