Family Magazine

Worth It? Wednesday: Zevia Cola Review

By Peaceloveorganicmom
Before committing to a more organic and healthy lifestyle, I was a regular drinker of Diet Pepsi or Coke. While recently shopping at Whole Foods I came across Zevia Cola. It's winning qualities compared to Diet Pepsi: "no artificial sweeteners" and "calorie free". I bought the all natural, stevia sweetened cola and looked forward to trying it. The cost was a little steep at Whole Foods being $6 for a 6 pack of 12 oz cans. The first sip of this cola was fully carbonated like Coke/Pepsi but the flavor tasted off to me. Unfortunately it tasted more similar to a cough syrup than a soda and also had a strange bitter, chemical after-taste. Therefore, for $1 per 12 oz can and a much to be desired taste  this is not worth it in my opinion.
Worth It? Wednesday: Zevia Cola Review
Worth It? Wednesday: Zevia Cola Review(Want more info on Zevia Cola- check out their website at

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