Misa Minnie the tiny Yorkshire Pup takes a nap | facebook
Misa enjoys a day at the beach | facebook
Meet Misa Minnie, translated as beautiful sand in Japanese, pronounced (me-sah). She is among the smallest Yorkie pups with a knack for tricks. Don't let her small size fool you. This 26 week old Yorkie pup has true dog intelligence. Misa's ability to knock down walls of cups, weave around obstacle courses, shut doors, and even pray paws down is quickly becoming an internet sensation with pageviews totalling over 700,000 and growing on YouTube. Can you think of anything cuter than this?
Misa the Yorkie pup sports a Mohawk | facebook
Misa the Yorkie bundle of joy | facebook
Misa the Yorkie pup riding alongside a handbag | facebook
Misa the Yorkie pup | facebook
VIDEO: Watch the incredible tiny size Yorkie who will melt you heart
SOURCE: facebook